
Is McCain a done deal?

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I mean, is his candidacy over with? Did he blow it by choosing Palin? It looks pretty grim for him.




  1. Yes, it's over. McCain is willing to risk having that unqualified lady become commander in chief in these troubled times just to win a few votes. Can anyone seriously argue she'll be ready on day one should that be necessary?

    Is that country first? Risking the future of America's children to pick up some female voters? What an insult to the intelligence of the good American people.

  2. all she's got is guns g**s and abortion. No signifigant positions on any other major issues. I know this because I jut went to her own website. It may come as a surpise to the GOP crowd, but there are considerably more issues in play right now than these tired right wing chesnuts. And people know this, and are tired of the christian right monopoly on ddiscussable themes.

    I think this is becoming clearer and clearer to people looking into her record. And it again makes McCain look stupid, because he has stated himself that these are not the only issues on the table. It was part of his criticism when he (briefly) had the courage to speak against the radical right. (during the 2000 election when they smeared him so badly)

    A man who gets bullied and sides with the bullies... well that's spinelessness, the textbook definition.

  3. The Republicans hate him and picking a 42 y/o with no national policy just shows that McCain is really senile, has no good judgment and if he wasn't before, is absolutely now a DONE DEAL.

    Aren't you amazed that all his supporters think he made a great VP pick when 95% of them don't even know who Palin is? They really do follow without questioning.

  4. Yes, he sure blew it.  It could be the worst VP pick in American History. My question is why did he pick her.  She doesn't bring anything special to the ticket.

  5. Are you nuts? How will we know until the election?

    I am sure that McCain is just kicking himself for energizing his base and stealing the attention from Mr. Empty Suit the day after his coronation speech.

  6. Picking Palin is a gutsy high-risk move. It's a Hail Mary play.  It could be the best decision his campaign has made, or it could cost him a lot.

    McCain didn't pick Palin.  He hardly knows the woman.  She was picked by a party committee trying to balance the ticket.  She's pro-life, pro-gun, anti-evolution, a sop to the 'movement conservatives' who are not entirely happy with McCain.

    Time will tell whether the decision turns out to be a good one. Personally I don't think it will help him much.

  7.   We, including you Obamabots and Clinton supporters, have been witness to a one time event, the same as with Obamas color.  Dems were PRAYING it would be Hillary, but fate had other ideas.

      Smear it, attack, belittle and nitpick it to death. Once the McCain/Palin train starts "moving", we will see who reaches Americans hearts and soul.  

  8. Talk about a loaded room.............all Obamabots. Well, win a few lose a few.

        I doubt mcCain or some 20 million other people care about your opinion of it being contrare' ........Now with Palin in, these 2 people will win the hearts, souls and minds of America and that's what has "you" people so paranoid about.  Sorry.  Not really.

  9. Yes.  He threw in the towel with his choice of VP.

  10. Yes, certainly

  11. Bad move.

    The whole 'experience' smear campaign that was used by the McCain camp is beyond hypocritical now.

  12. Done Deal Okay, Look out Washington here comes McCain/Palin

  13. If McSame gets elected after selecting a corrupt female Governor with minimal experience, and guilty of false tax rebates, (give it back, take it back) as his running mate.....

    it is proof positive to me that your vote does not count, the elections are fixed, they have perfected the art of governmental corruption.

    I hate conspiracy theorists. Most of them are nuts. But deny if you can, McCain never voted his constituents position, he either didn't vote or voted party line. He was known as a hot shot and hot dog pilot that acted irresponsibly with no love from his fellow pilots. He follows orders, and rarely gives them. He is a follower, not a leader. He will be a puppet in the white house. Palin is a relatively unknown, who has good stage presence, but little experience, and subject to the temptations of the power of the office. I would have voted for Ron Paul, he was a much better choice, with a large following that McCain could have had. Obama is looking better and better.

  14. The next week will tell.

  15. No political analysts worth his or her salt would say that right now.

    Give the McCain/Palin ticket a few weeks.  I agree, this choice was strange and problematic.  But America could really get to like Palin.  Let's hear her speak.  Let's hear her debate.  If she surprises is and does really well, then things could get interesting.

    After we see the first debate between McCain and Obama and between Biden and Palin, then I will be ready to make my prediction.

    But right now its still anyone's game.

  16. McCain is a born loser in every thing he dose. He is hero of a lost war.

  17. No, Palin is a good choice and I think it'll pull through.
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