
Is McCain about to laugh all the way to the White House, cynically banking on Hillary's disenfranchised base?

by Guest56201  |  earlier

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It would appear thus. The Palin appointment has but one possible rational explanation: Bag the "empowering women" vote.

President McCain... are you OK with that? You probably better GET OK with it...




  1. Do you forget the Nader factor. Not one of these polls keep him in mind. about 3-5% - The exact margin of error. The network run elections refuse to invite him into the debate. If Ron Paul enters he will murder McCain's chance. The true cons that McCain needs will never vote from him.

    one or the other will get the 13% needed to make the ballot

  2. Looks that way.

    The thing is many of us disenfranchised Hillary supporters already were voting for McCain as a protest vote against Obama and the DNC. So, it looks like we get a bonus! The first woman v.p.

  3. Yes I think so, he chose a great candidate to run with him and I think they will kick Obama's *** in November.  

  4. that is the very reason he did that, cause he knows how many people are mad at obama

  5. Once again the Repubs and McSame prove they don't get it.  They think women are so stupid that any one with female parts will satisfy Hillary's base.  Unbelievable and insulting!  That's how much they know about women in general and Democratic women in particular.  It's not just that she is  a woman,  it's the type of woman she is ,stupid!  

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