
Is McCain again interfering with the justice system, just like he did in the Keating 5 scandal?

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  1. A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. You are so wrong about what occurred. Many intentionally misinformation stories floating around. McCain nearly got involved by the deceit of Keating and his lies, but McCain refused his appeals to help him. He never took money and he never accepted anything and he was absolved of any wrongdoing. He has fought earmakrs and porks ever since. He became a reformer and feels very strong about lobbyists and special interests. He and Palin stand for reform in the washington beltway. It is their central theme. That will lead to the end of wasteful spending and corrupiton. That is his personal crusade. Palin was chosen because that is what she was doing in Alaska as governor.

  2. Incorrect, he was investigated and cleared of any wrongdoing. UNLIKE THE 4 DEMOCRATS .

  3. I think so, I completely forgot about the keating 5 scandal.

  4. Wow!  This is going to get hot.  Can McCain stop Alaska from due process?  Big mistake Mac.  Very big mistake.

    Check it out: ( From ABC news: there's more)

    Is the McCain campaign afraid of an 'October surprise' involving vice-presidential pick Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska?

    Alaska state senator Hollis French, who is running an investigation of Gov. Sarah Palin, says the McCain campaign is using stall tactics to prevent him from releasing his final report by Oct. 31st.

    (The Associated Press)

    The Alaska state senator running an investigation of Gov. Palin says the McCain campaign is using stall tactics to prevent him from releasing his final report by Oct. 31, four days before the November election.

    "It's likely to be damaging to the Governor's administration," said Senator Hollis French, a Democrat, appointed the project manager for a bi-partisan State Senate Legislative Counsel Committee investigation of claims that Palin abused her office to get the Alaska public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan, fired

  5. Yes he is, to cover up for his running mate. But, she has enough enemies to bust his interference, then he will distance himself before November.

  6. McCain was CLEARED of any wrong doing in the Keating scandle.

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