
Is McCain any different then George Bush?

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I don't know about you all, but my standard of living has dropped dramatically in the past 8 years. When I look to the future of our country I can't see how things will get better without change. Rather than give 9 of the largest corporations in the world (including Exxon/Mobil) a 200 billion tax break, I'm thinking that money might be better spent on alternative sources of energy. Opening up drilling rights in Alaska will only prolong our dependence on oil and not produce any real change.

My standard of living has dropped because of the cost of OIL. Yet, I really don't hear McCain proposing any real change, other than new drilling. In fact... he sounds just like Bush. Wait a sec...he agrees with bush on 90% of all issues. tell me... what changes in our economy is John McCain proposing? Maybe everyone likes paying these high prices..maybe I'm the only one that has a hard time paying for gas, food, clothing. Elect John McCain if you are doing so well and think things should stay the same, I guess.




  1. Of the few things that McCain deviates from Bush is his energy policy and a concern about global warming (McCain believes that GW is happening).

    Unless you have been living in a cave, I am surprised that you have not heard McCain talk about nuclear energy numerous times.

  2. So... they're not twins?

  3. McCain is stupid

    Bush is real stupid

  4. No, they're the same.  90% just like you said.  If you're having a hard time making ends meet now, nothing will change at all if McCain is elected.  Will things change if Obama is elected? I don't know, they might or might not, but at least with Obama there is a chance for change, with McCain you'll get the same old story for 4 more years.  

  5. Everything McCain has voted for in his 20+ years as senator that made him a maverick

    he has now changed positions on, and has morphed into a toe the line Republican

    sad, very sad

  6. Yes...The difference is their age!!!!!

  7. Yes, his name is John McCain and George Bush is the President.

  8. Get stuck in that mindset and you will suffer a lot more.  

  9. No all Republicans think a like.

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