
Is McCain as desperate as Walter Mondale was in 1984?

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I like Geraldine Ferraro, but it was clear at the time Mondale picked her for VP in an act of desperation. Siphoning off more women voters was his only chance, and a slim one at that. Is history repeating?




  1. I voted for Reagan in 1984, Obama is Mondale light.

  2. Was Obama desperate choosing a VP with experience because he has very little? No. It is just a balancing act both candidates have to do.

  3. I've never seen McCain act desperate. I think if h**l froze over and he lost I don't think he'd come unglued at all. He's more than paid his debt to society so he'd just continue on doing what he's been doing.

  4. I think you are right. Conndolesa would have been a better pick if he wanted a woman

  5. No just smarter than Walter and Obama, and the timing is right.

  6. i doubt it

    mccain made an excellent choice

    Mccain/Palin 2008

  7. The time has come to break the glass ceiling by the party that could.  

    Just like when Nixon opened China, it has to be the republicans.

  8. yup

  9. this was a scramble after obama's good speech,i think they chose pawlenty or romney,but after obamas historical speech,they needed a headliners,and fast.

  10. Mondale was selecting another political insider from the old-school Democratic party. McCain is going with a renegade who is cleaning up the corruption in government and is a firm proponent of supply-side economics. I just don't see the move by either as desperation, though Mondale's may be considered a more "conservative" approach to making historical waves.

  11. So when Obama panders its "strategy" when McCain does it its "desperate". I guess all that pandering to the black community was "strategy" too? Libs are scared, I hear boots shaking...

  12. Funny you should say that.  My friend and I were talking about that after Obama's speech yesterday.  Obama really should be (like Reagan back then) 15-20% across the board higher than his actual numbers.  When Reagan ran, the economy was in much worse shape, and the President, Jimmy Carter, was very unpopular.  I can't understand why Obama doesn't have a commanding lead at this time.

    This is truly a missed opportunity for Democrats to win the Presidency.  Never again will they be in such great position to win the Presidency.

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