
Is McCain fit to be President of the United States? ?

by Guest64945  |  earlier

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Seriously, he is either too old or doesn't know... how any times has he said Iran when he meant Iraq and now, an afgan/Iraq border? a senior moment?? Go Obama!




  1. Yes he is fit to become president. Hopefully that will happen.

  2. He is sound.

    Both McCain and Obumer have a lot going on day and night. I am surprised they know where they are.

  3. No, he's not. But the American public may think otherwise. We'll find out in November.

  4. NO WAY, MCain is Bush, bush third term, this country cannot survive, Obama Biden O8 for Change we Can Believe IN

  5. Yes.

  6. I get Iran and Iraq mixed up to .....age has nothing to do with it some of our best presdants were old Regan, Washgtion...the list goes on but look at the young idiot we thought would be good...Carter,Nixon and a few other idiots they were sposto be young and good and look how they turned out.....

  7. No he isn't & his seniors moments are getting old & just another one that people forgot, he didn't know the difference between Sunnis & Shites & he wants to continue a war & how can he if he doesn' know the difference between the two, how can he lead

  8. He is a better choice than the Anti US Racist the Dems are putting up.....

  9. you mean MORE fit than Osama?...yes

  10. His experience as a POW will come in handy once he becomes president.  He could go into a cage and tell the public his name, rank and serial number.

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