
Is McCain fulfilling his claim to be the candidate of "reform"?

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Yes or no? Please give examples. thanks.




  1. No! So long as he remains a Republican, it will be good old country club politics as usual. If McCain wants my vote, he better leave the republicans.

  2. No, candidates say soemthing to get elected but do otherwise when they are in office. Just like Bush who wanted to run the country like a CEO, but here we are after 8 years.

  3. NO

    mccain is weaksause,

    chicken w/o wings

    kool-aid with no sugar

    milk at room temperature

    soggy cornflakes

    rice krispies without the snap crackle and pop

    doughnuts without glazing

    3 day old pizza

  4. He hasn't had the chance yet.  He won't be elected until November and won't take office until January 09

  5. Vote Obama for Change.

    To Socialism.

  6. No the reformer to his 90% support of BushCo. What an oxymoronic stance to promote as an obvious lie. Wake up America!

  7. Nop i think maccain shouldnt be president when obama asked him about his properties he said i dont remember how many i got i think hillary was the best choice

  8. Dude, I respect everyone's opinions, but honestly, if you want the US to continue to be a laughing stock AND have it run by a third-term Bush, then vote for McCain. This guy aggreed with Bush 95% of the time last year, 87% of the time the year before and 76% of the time the year before. He knows diddly about the economy, he's too old and out of touch with the nation's needs, AND he has an very, very inexperienced VP pick just a heartbeat away from the presidency. That right there shows you his judgment is off. Obama may be inexperienced, and he may be seen as an elitist in some people's eyes, but I'll take the risk that comes with change rather than the familiar old Republic rant. Anyway, sorry dude, venting ... not really answering your question. No, he's not fulfilling his claim. He's doing what the pubic wants him to do (i.e. getting a female VP) rather than doing what he thinks is right. Obama's pick of Biden was smart because Obama recognized he has very, very little foreign affaird experience, and he was wise enough to admit that in the selection of Biden. He did this to ensure the country is getting the best, outside of picking a female just to appease the Clinton voters.

  9. No, he is the candidate of desperation, example Palin

  10. yeah, by picking an child- abandoning momzilla with a bachelors in JOURNALISM---he has now reformed our political system into the laughing stock of the world.

  11. No, he has not been elected president yet.

  12. Well let's take a look.

    Obama, rookie who toes the Liberal Party Line.

    Biden: Long time Senator who toes the Liberal Party Line.

    McCain: Long term Senator who was almost thrown out by the party for refusing to toe the line.

    Palin: Washington outsider in trouble with her party for refusing to allow "business as usual" and not toeing the party line.

    Who do you think is more likely to bring changes?

  13. No he is not. He will keep everything the way that Bush has it now.

  14. YES

  15. McCain = Bush = Failure

    Bush = McCain = Failure

    Failure = McCain = Bush

    Failure = Bush = McCain

    That about covers it.  

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