
Is McCain going to change Washington with over 150 lobbyists working on his campaign?

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George W. Bush also promised to change Washington.

Same old, same old politics.

Obama/Biden 08'




  1. Both he and the GOP know that all their promises are empty and that what McCain really seeks is to continue Reaganomics and GOP ideology. Let's not kid ourselves. McCain is no maverick. He's a Republican who plays the game. If You like the GOP then vote for McCain. But please, do not kid yourself into thinking that he's going to change the GOP. No, of course no.

  2. obama probably has more.  

  3. wrong!   at least they McCain and Palin had taken on even their OWN party...and now Palin... .she has DONE things that Obama dreams of doing.... like against after her OWN party on corruption.…when if EVER obama has done the same in the highly corrupt Democrat party uh?...I say she is more for change than obama is...she has DONE it! Look it up! kid!..............Obama is NO of the liberal were McCain AND now Palin are REAL  change ....

  4. Of course not! McCain is going to do the lobbyists' bidding if he ever becomes president, which I hope doesn't happen.  

  5.   Well, at least he will not provide private boxes for HIS Lobbysists like Obama did at the DNC.  Oh, you didn't know that little fact ?  ALL his BIG money corporate sponsors had PRIVATE viewing booths AND security AND private entrance, with orders that ALL news media AND photographers were to be kept from identifying ANY of them.  Gee, that sure sounds "honest" to me.

  6. sure seems as if he is the one candidate willing to put his money where his mouth is!

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