
Is McCain insane for picking Sarah Palin?

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Sarah Palin was elected to the governorship of the least populous state in the union with only 48% of the vote. She got 114,000 Alaskans to vote for her. Obama dearly drew that many to Invesco field last night for crying out loud! (87,000 inside and 25,000 outside).

Alaska to be the easiest governorship of all. No budget problems because they have so much oil revenue they have a reverse income tax. No experience struggling to balance a budget which is the experience governors are supposed to bring to the executive branch.

And she is supposed to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency with a 72 year old cancer patient as President!!!

Hey, I'm overjoyed that he chose her because I'm an Obama supporter, but really, is he nuts?




  1. He's trying to get Women voters and Clinton voters. However, once the facts surface and people realize how unpopular and inexperienced Palin is, they will begin to realize that she wasn't the BEST choice for VP.

    If McCain dies, we are totally screwed!!!

    Anyway, it's still new news, so people are going to be excited and stuff. Give it a week or two, and the feeling of uneasiness will set in.

    McCain's chances of dying in office are pretty high. Especially when you consider how stressful the job is. Ever notice how much older presidents look after 4 years of service? If McCain is elected president, I will pray that he doesn't die in office. I don't want someone like Palin to lead our country. It will be a disaster.

  2. Actually, she IS mainstream America. She has 20 times more executive experience then Obama, she is Pro-life like mainstream America. Obama is pro-murder. She is pro-gun like mainstream America, unlike Obama who will strip Americans of their constitutional Right to Bear Arms. And she is appreciated by her party for being a qualified woman, unlike Obama who threw Hillary under the bus.....Oh, and she didn't sit in a racist black militant church for 20 years like Obama.....

  3. She is a mediocre mind.

    She has ties to big oil.

    She has no national experience.

    She has experience as an executive in the smallest  state in the union re population.

    She sounds like a valley girl.

    She has no military experience.

    She has no name recognition.

    She has a small mandate in her own state.

    However: she is a pseudo-religious extremist, more presentable than

    the other say-anything-to-get-votes (lie big-time) that Mr. McCain

    could find in the neocon wing of his discredited party.

  4. You just keep telling yourself that... complacency is just what we in the GOP want from you. Palin was a brilliant pick!

  5. Agreed. Horrendous lack of judgment.  

  6. My email address is

    Write it down-write me on November 5th after Obama loses and tell me this again.

    Your boy is toast.  

  7. Yes.

    mccain must have had a "senior moment" and forgot that most conservative males hate/fear women.

  8. Paulin is the RepubliCain's Hilary !

  9. Palin has more experience running a government than both Biden and Obama! They have no executive experience. Go McCain/Palin 2008!!

  10. I feel a little bit sorry for Palin.  She should have had enough sense to turn down this job.  This is an embarrasing pick for McCain, like when Bush picked Harriet Meyers for the supreme court.  Moreover its a totally irresponsible pick for McCain.  

    I woke up this morning still admiring McCain as a patriot who loves his country, but is just wrong.  Now I'm wondering how on earth a person who so persistenty stokes my fear of terrorists and other calamities would be willing to turn their country over to a snowmachin'in hockymom from Alaska to sit in the oval office.  Sadly he's either putting politics before our safety and security or he's gone nuts.  Sad either way.  McCain was once a good man.  Now he's made himself a joke.

    Maybe the party of Lincoln needed this one final act of spectacular stupidty to finish its self destructive swan dive that started w/Reagan.  Maybe after its over they can reinvent themselves and get back to true conservatism of the fiscal responsibility, smart and measured foreign policy and NOT pandering to whackjobs that want to use gov't to meddle in my personal life.

    Until then I'll remain a stuanch independent and sit back and watch McCain insult women, his party and his country in stunned disbelief.

  11. YES

    (1) let's get serious this show the lack of judgment on McCain part.(2)Palin is no Hillary Clinton she only been a Governor for 2 years and we are talking about Alaska where the wild life out number the peoples 20 to 1.(3) i would not feel comfortable having Palin running this country in a case where something happening to McCain .3) Palin is under a ethic investigation .4) We know that Biden is ready to lead on day one if something ever happen to Obama. I personally think McCain just handed the presidency to OBAMA.

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