
Is McCain losing ground in new Poll?

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Gallup poll Obama 50 percent Mc Cain 42.




  1. If anyone thinks a bottom of his class Naval Academy grad can out-debate a Harvard Law valedictorian, I've got a bridge in NYC to sell you.  Mark this post, three days after the first national debate, Obama will be ahead in the polls 15% or more (65-35...the other 5% will be voting third-party, most of which will be Republicans abandoning their candidate)'ll see.  

  2. Yes,

  3. He was never winning on a Fair Poll, he was wining on Republican held pools.

  4. personally I don't care what the polls say ... just the ending result

  5. what is the question, you posted the poll

  6. yes. he is.

    he screwed up big time.

    I mean who hires some one with out a back ground check lol.

    not even store manager does that.

  7. I think you need to worry about how your little Obamanation does in the debates.

  8. Kerry and Gore were both beating Bush in the polls before the general election.

    I hope this happens again.

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