
Is McCain mentally stable?

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How worried are you?;-p




  1. I don't think so. He looks very angree man.



  3. I am less worried about Mr. McCain than some of his followers.  Judging by the Q/A I have seen from them here I would say some are in need of serious psychiatric help.

  4. I think that the media chose McCain for the GOP, because he is easily defeatable, and the plan is for Obama to win.

    Ron Paul is a true Republican who could have won by the people, and the media ignored him out of existence. The media has had total control of the past few elections, by acting, in acting, and spewing propaganda when they see fit. This is our new day and age of elections(and wars).

    How can Obama survive politically after being caught being a member of a racist church who's Pastor says God Da** America, when Rommney gets mutilated by the press for simply being Mormon? Since when were Mormons(which btw I'm not) worse than radical anti American racists?  Rommney was much more electable than McCain, but hmm...look what happened, and how much the media can spin  the subject of religion(or any subject for that matter).

    It is sadly amusing how over the past few years, America has been bickering over who is worse between Dem's, and GOP. This two party system is simply being used as constructive chaos to keep the people divided, while the agenda continues down the straight, and narrow path.  Divided we fall!

    McCain, and Obama are both CFR members(Council on Foreign Relations). Either way, we elect a puppet who is dangling by the strings of the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is a group of private elite bankers...not a government entity.

    The CFR was formed in 1921 by the Federal Reserve for the purpose of creating a New World Order. Members of the Federal Reserve own over 90% of the media, so they can get virtually anyone they want to push elected by progressive media coverage. Over 90% of the people in the State Department, and executive branch are CFR members.

    This is no is fact, and public information. Proof is in the pudding...check out the links.

    Either of our two electable candidates are but puppets who will continue the New world Order agenda just as G W Bush, H W Bush, Clinton, Carter, etc have done.

    Our government is out of the peoples hands.

    I am very worried.


  5. No he's not stable. And no I'm not worried because he's not going to win.

  6. I don't want him anywhere near the nukes and wouldn't vote for him if he was the only one on the ballot.

  7. No. He has serious anger management issues. He doesn't just get angry. He flies into rages, and is uncontrollable. He doesn't need to be near the button at those times, and the best way to insure that he isn't is to Vote for Obama... who is very controlled.

  8. He's very stable --- just overzealous when it comes to following scripts.

  9. he's kind of old-

    i say obama is the man!

  10. The suicide attempts are true they occurred while he was in Prison.  He collects a VA full  disability pension for PTSD.  You be the judge.

  11. Probably more sane than a cat wearing a flower.

  12. I'm worried if Obama wins the presidency

  13. Very stable and rumors are nonsense. Otherwise the rumor that obama is a muslim would be believed.

  14. He is not. He has much wrong with him. Throughout his live he's been angry and aggressive even pushing a fellow Senate member, as well as calling his wife a s**t. He has severe memory deficits and presents with confusion, which are the prodromal signs of AAlzheimer's Upon release from the prison camp he developed PTSD, which appears in his current behavior. He has high cholesterol levels, and had two melanomas removed from his face Lastly he refuses to divulge his VA Psychiatric and Medical Records. What else is he hiding,? Pretty scary!

  15. McCain claims the communists subjected him to 5 ½ years of nonstop indoctrination sessions so intense that he attempted suicide.

    After his bomber was hit by anti-aircraft fire near Hanoi on October 26, 1967, he parachuted into the hands of an evil communist enemy who 7 years earlier had adopted Soviet methods of brain perversion techniques.

    At that time, the Soviets were perfecting techniques designed "to put a man's mind into a fog so that he will mistake what is true for what is untrue, what is right for what is wrong, and come to believe what did not happen actually had happened."

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