
Is McCain not hypocritical with his choice for Palin? ?

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This woman is unknown in the Washington political world and has the same years of experience as Obama! ( and for all of you that says she hasn't look a little closer) Does McCain and his crew really think this going to work?




  1. You should be happy.  You now have matching racist book ends.  Obama and Biden.

  2. Is the biggest insult he could have done to women. He thinks they are stupid, maybe stereotyped by his wife.

  3. There are problems with all political candidates.  Biden plagiarized his pre-presiential speech.

  4. Moles make Holes!

  5. yes  it  will  work  and  she  is  a  good  looking  women  way  to  go  McCain  good  pick

  6. Yes,isn't it great she's not a Washington insider and has executive experience.  Didn't Obama say he would bring change,but instead picked a good old boy.    

  7. No, Palin has had more experience than Obama, and she's only the nominee for VP, not president.  Served on the Wasilla city council from 1992-1996, then was mayor from 1996-2002, then was elected as governor in 2006.  Overall, she's had twelve years of experience.  How much has Obama had, again?  Oh yes, seven years as a state legislator, and three years as a senator.  So who's had more experience?  Sarah Palin.

    And so what if she's "unknown" in the Washington political world?  We need a little "change", don't we?

  8. she is tough , she is smart, and until Obama started just a few months ago , no one ever heard of him either!  and no its not hypocritical , he just said well if they can do it so can i! think this is sure more of a change than Obama has to offer! they wanted change, hehe now they got it!

  9. Was Obama hypocritical when he chose an "old white guy?"

  10. Obama has ZERO executive experience.  Palin has executive experience as governor.  The Presidency is not a legislative position; it's an executive one--big difference.  Neither Biden nor Obama have any executive experience.   Biden's an old Washington blowhard...change, my ****.  

    This was a smart strategic move on McCain's part.

  11. When has Flipper proven not to be hypocritical. McCain selects a woman as VP running mate, yet votes against equal pay for women!

  12. It sure was a bold move for McCain... something i didn't expect..


  13. It is already working. The buzz created is massive, so much in fact the bias media is in a panic to tear her down on lack of experience. Funny thing is though she's only running for Vice and has MORE experience than Obama. And If blogs and forums are any indication, Hillary supporters are loving it.

  14. it is on to the change we can believe in.

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