
Is McCain playing gender politics by picking a woman?

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Obama is condemned for playing "race politics," yet McCain is commended for playing gender politics. Do you see any inconsistencies here?




  1. Damned Skippy!

  2. Yes.Both gender and racepolitics.

    The gender politics isobvious--by choosing Palin, he hopes such an empty gesture will fool women into thinking he's supportie of women's rights--even though his personal life and political record proves otherwise.

    But it's also race politics--of the ugliest and most disgusting kind.  Thattakes a bit of explaining--and I don't have time for a twenty-page paper, so here's the summary:

    >within the religious right (the core of GOP support) there is a long-standing cultural mythos about black men and white women. It derives from the roots of the religious right among working-class whites in the Jim Crow South.  According to this ideology/myth/rhetoric, virtuous white womanhood must be protected against the sexual threat of the black male.

    Palin is being used as a deliberate image they want to contrast with Obama to inflame what they believe is the latent racism of the American people, by subtly portraying him  as the threat against whom the "flower of womanhood" must be protected.

    Can the right wing sink any lower than this?  Subtle in a way this might be--but McCain has revealed his true colors. He is as racist ans any Grand Dragon of tthe KKK.

  3. Like 100%

    i cannot belive that he did not pick pawlenty.

  4. Of course and I support him

  5. He may be but if you heard her acceptance speech you would see that she is a quite capable politician as well.

  6. He played the stupid card and won. Horrendous decision

  7. No he picked for her 2 years of experience and  all of her foreign experience!!

  8. yes and I am one HAPPY woman!!!

  9. It's 2008 for Pete's sake. Gender and Race shouldn't, and doesn't matter.

  10. Sarah Palins a h**l of a pick...I applaud mcCain for thinking outside the box a little...she's a really great person and a great pick...that she's a woman don't hurt...

    p.s. she's very conservative...and hunts and fishes...the libs will hate her, oh did i mention she is pretty too?? They'll really hate her. Biden better watch his step in the debates...I hear she is a tough cookie under her soccer mom exterior

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