
Is McCain still a maverick and straight talker or has he sold his soul to the neocons he used to hate so much?

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Is McCain still a maverick and straight talker or has he sold his soul to the neocons he used to hate so much?




  1. I wouldn't say he sold his soul, but he has moved towards their position. In 2000, he was considered a maverick among conservatives. And he got beat pretty hard, and unfairly, for it (i.e. "push polls" in Southern states suggesting he had a mix-race child, when in fact he had adopted a daughter from Bangladesh). Afterwards, you can see him move to the right, to placate the people who undermined him, embracing people he had previously been willing to call out.

  2. His soul has been sold, in my opinion.  But if he picks Leiberman then he will maintain that maverick persona.  But that ma has dozens of actual and metaphorical skeletons in his closet.  I hope it all comes to light BEFORE the election.  McCain =WW3

  3. Is Obama sill an empty suit?

  4. John McCain has done a 180 degree transition from the man he used to be just 4 years ago. I valued his opinion and thought that he would stand up for what he believed. Well, that is not the case now. He is a puppet for what the Bush Administration is trying to do, and will continue their march. I think he figured that this was the only way to get in the White House. I guess you could call it "selling your soul to the devil".  

  5. He is still a democrat in a Republican suit.  

  6. He is 5% maverick and 95% Bush

    The only things he is maverick about are Liberal things

    like Global Warming and Stem Cell Research.

  7. He is trying to appear more conservative than he really is to pander to that vote. I think Obama can be accused of doing the same however....

    I'll choose McCain on this argument any day!!

  8. Greetings,

    I do believe that a candidate running for President will do just about anything to get elected.

    I think in my opinion that McShame has done that to not only win, but to cover his ***.

    Hope I've helped somewhat.

    Have a great week.



  9. Guess we'll find out when he wins the election.

  10. McCain has never been a maverick, nor a straight talker.  Let's put that lie to bed once and for all.

  11. i HATE McCain! GO OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  12. McCain is a laugh.  He was Pro Choice. He criticized every move Bush-Cheney made!  He was liberal in most of his statements and liberal in much of his voting throughout his years in Congress!  McCain used to be a liberal darling among the hated Republican Senators!  He was a close friend of John Kerrys and at one time seriously considered running as Kerry's vice president.  Together, he and Kerry drafted the bill that allowed trade with Viet Nam.

    John McCain, when his Campaign didn't make any waves, was dead broke. The News punsters predicted he would drop out of the race.  Then, suddenly, miraculously, mysteriously, the New John McCain emerged, financially secure, blood brother to George W. Bush, and chumming up to Evangelical pastors!  Overnight, he became a Conservative, even though he didn't know squat about economics.  In fact, he thinks the economy in the U.S. is just fine!  He proclaims his deep religious faith, his Pro Life beliefs, his Conservative values...

    John McCain is a turncoat, an opportunist, willing to sell his soul for political power.  I wouldn't trust him for any reason, because he has proven he is a man who can be bought!  He proved it with his marriage and he is proving it again with his position as presumptive Republican nominee.

  13. The" Straight Talk Express" has jumped the tracks.McSame has proved he would sell his old mother for a vote.

  14. all politicians are liars. they tell us what they want to hear so that they can get elected and not do anything while in ofc. my question is why do we always have only 2 presidential candidates?????  why are we letting our politicians get bought and sold by big business and the corporations???? i will never believe another politician until he actually tells the truth.

  15. I think John McCain is still a maverick and straight talker. Just because he's pulling strings from other people doesn't mean he's a bad candidate. Come on guys!! Would you rather John McCain a really straight forward person that wants to help and protect us... or Obama that's all for abortion and wants to take our right to bear arms away!!???

  16. sold it long ago;-]

  17. McCain is still a Maverick and he is his own man .

    He will be the next great President.

    He hasn't nor will he ever sell out to the neo-cons.

    Bush was the one who sold out to the neo-cons.

    Obama has became so scared of McCain that he showed his lack of experience and qualification to ever be President by picking Joe Biden as his VP and Obama will sell out his soul to become Americas 44th President.

  18. He sold his soul, for sure.  The straight talk express derailed a long time ago.  

  19. straight talk ???   how about double talk.    in his own words even

  20. He truly understands the President's role in the power structure of the global powers that rule. The truth would blow your mind. You cannot handle the truth.

  21. Maverick? Yeah, a regular desperado. I saw him burning up the road on his Vespa.

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