
Is McCain subconsciously replacing his former beauty-queen wife Cindy with former beauty-queen VP Sarah Palin?

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McCain's 1st wife Carol was a swimsuit model. His 2nd wife Cindy was a former beauty queen. Now, McCain has selected a former beauty queen Sarah Palin to be his VP.

Is McCain thinking with his brain, or some other part of his body?




  1. Pass me that doobie, ok?

  2. No, I really doubt it. McCain made faces and blinked a lot and played with his fingers during her speech. That's the same way he acted during the debates when Romney was speaking. What I am trying to say is that I do not think McCain likes her at all.

  3. Only a Far Left Loonie would ask just a ridiculous question and the answer is NO

  4. No, he's consciously lining up his next "trophy wife".

  5. I don't know about all that but it is clear that this women is fine as h**l. I am for Obama/Liden in 2008 but d**n that Palin just glued me to the scree when I saw her pic!

    I can't take someone that s**y and that inexperinced seriously as VP...sorry. Bob just wants somone fine by his side again.Can't blame him.

    And honestly, why else would he pick her?

    obama/liden 08

  6. that's a typically stupid question asked by your average Obama supporter.

    Let's face it, McCain had the wherewithall to pick a woman as his VP, in this "historic" voting season, yet, Mr. Empty Suit Obama, who could have chosen the most qualified democrat woman, with 18+ million votes, choses to pick an old, run of the mill, part of the establishment, two-time loser old white man.  What a dumb A$$

  7. There will be few voting for Obama this November!

    All they require for a vote is good looks and the ability to talk.

  8. uhhh I don't think that part of his body works anymore.  And the poor guy can't even take Cialis because his heart will explode.  

  9. LOL - good question.  (Does that other part still even work?)

  10. No, but between looking at the two of them, he might be able to flush his bottle of Viagra down the commode...

  11. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Maybe he wants to not have to resort to using interns with cigars like a Democrat ...

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