
Is McCain too late to save face?

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Bush and Cheney are not going to show at the GOP convention. The excuse is they have to tend to Gustav, but I think we all know that it is a ploy to distance the Bush administration from McCain. McCain who agrees with 95 percent of the current administrations plans and way of handling the war now wants to create the image that he does not. Don't you think this and picking a unknown woman for VP is a sad, sad last ditch effort to erase his past record?




  1. If Bush said he was going to the convention you'd complain he should be helping with Gustav rather than 'partying'. Is there winning with the dems?

  2. Of coarse it is too late and anybody with a sound mind can see it is just a ploy as you said. He didn't care about Katrina when it did hit and now all of a sudden it is a big deal pretending he cares about Gustav. They just do not want the embarrassment of either Bush or Cheney showing up.

  3. I think McCain is brilliant for chosing Palin, and I think he will be the newest president. Bush may be staying away to distance himself from it all, or maybe because with a potential national emergency, he sees the need to be in the White house taking care of business and not at a national convention. DUH!!

  4. They are staying away so it looks like the GOP is going to do something this time. Remember how well they did on Katrina? Horrible! But the main reason Bush and Cheney will not be there is McCain does not want to be associated with them even tho he is there biggest fan. Obama 08

  5. No,but Obummer is...  

  6. Yes

  7. Yes he is too late. The records show he and Bush are inseparable.

  8. Absolutely.

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