
Is McCain trying to exit gracefully?

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Did he just not expect to get this far? Does he have more health issues than the skin cancers and precancerous polyps he released info about? I am wondering why on earth he would choose someone who is currently under investigation with their state attorney general. Someone who never had a passport until 18 mos ago. When I think of other elderly candidates, they chose very good VPs as they must be just as ready to lead as the President. I would vote for Biden, Obama, McCain, Romney, Clinton, H., I would never, ever vote for Palin!

Reagan ran at age 69 and chose George H.W.Bush, a man who had been Ambassador to the UN, Envoy to China, and Director of the CIA as his running mate.

America is at war and global participation is critical. Obama's choice of Biden respects that. Yes McCain has foreign experience but because of his age, I would think he would choose a VP who could step and take charge as all VPs should.

I just do not know what to think of McCain choosing Palin. She is not going to gain Hillary's supporters. If anything she will drive them to unite with Obama/Biden. McCain's choice gives me pause. I used to respect the guy and his intelligence. That being the case, I am left wondering if maybe he doesn't want to be president after all. What do you guys think?




  1. For a guy who doesn't want to win, he's not doing too badly against a candidate who was expected to be a shoo-in. Even with Obama's bump in the polls they're close to even, not even out of the margin of error

  2. No, I believe he genuinely thinks that Palin compliments the Republican ticket.  I think Palin is a good choice and I like her stand on issues like the Second Amendment and abortion.  With serving 2 years as Mayor and with governing the State of Alaska she has more executive experience than Obama - the Dem's choice for # 1.  Honestly my first choice for McCain's VP would have been Romney, but I've been reading about Palin and I support their ticket.  As a final thought I think anyone voting in the Presidential election need to look more at the candidate running for PRESIDENT than the #2.  Obviously the VP spot is important, but it should not eclipse who is running for the TOP office.  Obama is weak on everything - weak on foreign policy, has NO executive experience and is also weak on decision making.  He most commonly voted "PRESENT" when he voted on the issues in the Senate.  NOT the person I want running this country.  

  3. In 2004, I swear it seemed like the Democrats were doing everything possible to throw the election.

    This year, it's beginning to look as if the Republicans are returning the favor.

  4. You gave some of us food for thought- sometimes you never know the true motives of a decision- it is only an outsiders guess into someone elses head- I do commend you for thinking  outside the box- whether there is any truth to it or not.

  5. He wants to win, and picking Palin was a gambit to bring in the female supporters of Hillary.  It was a also a gamble, because Palin has no experience on a national stage.  We'll just have to wait and see how well she handles it.  

  6. I have actually thought the same thing.  It really feels like McCain is just trying to throw the race.  Maybe, he realized late in the game that he is not as fit for the job as he thought he was.  

  7. Let's face it: Had Hillary Clinton not even ran for President, or gotten as far as she did, everyone outside of Alaska never would have heard of Sara Palin before.

    Choosing Palin was just an attempt to win over disgruntled Hillary supporters. It isn't working; Palin's views are the polar opposite of Hillary Clinton's.

    He just costed himself the election, and I couldn't be happier.

    Obama/Biden 08

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