
Is McCain underestimating hillary voters? Is having a v****a the only qualification for winning women's votes?

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Does he think that just having a vp with a v****a will help him win over hillary's voters! To me, that says a lot about what he thinks of the hillary voters: that they were doing so merely because she happens to be a woman.

what's your impression?




  1. He may have chosen her to win over the right wing of the Republican party.  I can't imagine McCain's team thinking that they are going to win Hillary's supporters with this woman.


    that shows how smart she is , if she doesn't know what the VP does  how could she ever be VP ? .

  3. i guess one would argue if being black is the only criteria for the black vote or chants of being anti bush for the dems.

  4. Is black the only way to get black voters?

    That's not a very nice suggestion you're making.  

  5. No we've been voting for P****cks for years

  6. Just like he thinks Black people are just voting for Obama because he is Black!

    Shattering the glass ceiling in terms of Women being eligible of holding a seat in one of the highest positions in office is a beautiful thing...

    I don't have anything against Palin ...that was until I found out this woman is against Abortion yet a proud NRA card holder....

    Talk about a hypocrite!

    I'd rather vote for Obama!

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