
Is McCains adviser, Randy Scheunemann right about America needing to fight wars to continue world dominance?

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A backer of "Comittee to Liberate Iraq" who is now a paid Lobbyist for the country of Georgia and pushing war there.




  1. Randy can use HIS money and his life to go fight a war!

    The USA military is stretched to the limit. We have NEEDS here at home and this insanity of 12 BILLION  dollars a month for a war based on lies has got to end !!!

  2. Was Obama's advisor of 20 years, Jeremiah Wright (you know, the guy Obama abandoned when Wright became a political liability), correct in saying that the 9-11 was our fault?  See, two can play this game.

  3. If you want to project yourself as the biggest and the baddest, sometimes you will have to prove it.

    Lynne, your answer sounds good, but it goes against human nature. People are not inherently good. The are greedy, selfish, and competitive. It is a fear of consequences that keeps those base instincts in check. There is evil in the world and there is a little bit in all of us.

    If we are going to have any freedom at all, we will have to defend it.

  4. The difficulty becomes -

    Brzezinski is not much better The grand chess game outlines more or less the same world dominance c**p

    This is a rigged election and a rigged candidate choice

    It really does not matter who you vote for McCain will have Schumann and Obama has Brzezinski

      The election therefore becomes about which strategy to employ to dominate the sub continent of Asia and push at Russia Both offer a collision course with Russia both offer nuclear war in the future

    Not a lot of people pay attention to anything these days and the idea of an informed public is now laughable

  5. You show me where McCain has advocated war to "continue world dominance" and I'll get back with you. For that matter when has McCain even said the US should dominate the world? McCain has said the US should be a leader in the world but I don't think he's said we should be dominating it.

    Since you brought up a former pastor, let's compare the two. Randy has been with McCain for how long? And is Randy the only adviser McCain has?

    Now that pastor (and I'm not even going to name names)was the mentor, counselor, confidant, and close personal friend of which candidate for how long? And when did that candidate see the light the pastor is a radical, extremist, and racist? Was the candidate's seeing the light a matter of an epiphany or not wanting to commit political suicide?

  6. Fight? If need be.

    Initiate? Not necessarily.

  7. yes if your constantly fighting mini-battles your forces are more prepared and has more experience

    if you don't do anything for a long time your army gets stale and cut backs might happen

    bush is just throwing us into any battle we can get into to keep us a world super power and its getting to be total BS i hat bush and i hate republicans we dont need to be the super power

  8. No he's not. This is one of the many reasons why Buchanan said McCain will make Cheney look like Gandhi.

    The McCain team is about continued and increased Imperialism. The US nor the world can afford it.

    No way, no how, no McCain

  9. No, most people do not understand life on a spiritual level & would say that is airy fairy or something but I can tell you from that point fighting a war for freedome is like having s*x to become a virgin. Everything we do in life creates an effect even though we are using not aware of this because we have so much going on we aren't observing the process. War is like a seed of hate. A pumkin seed grows a pumkin. If you plant something & the conditions stay are in alignment with it's growth you will have results according to what you have planted. A pumkin see will produce a pumkin not a plum. A war will produce more war not freedom & peace. A person may think they have won a war but has anyone mistreated you before & you stopped fighting with them? Maybe they are bigger & more abusive but how often is a person plotting revenge. Passive agressiveness may cause someone to appear to be a friend but on an energetic level the life of the enemy is not safe. Can people ever has peace? Absolutely, we have to become one with are enemy. We are one with them. Until we are strong enought to let go of our ego (Edging God Out) we will be too afraid to admit was are just a mirror of our enemy. When we can use a spiritual process we heal (become one, just like a finger that is cut becomes one when it heals). No one respects a bully. They may stay out of his way but they pray for him to fail. There was a comedy movie "revenge of the nerds" . In the end all we have done is set ourselves up for more trouble by participating in war. I say we but I know many people are not doing this & we will benefit in some way but a person't life is created by their level of consciousness. People who are doing the wrong things intuitively know it & they may have loads of money but they don't have true happiness. It is done unto us as we believe. If we believe life is about attachs then we will be attached on some level or another. If we believe in loving our neighbor as thyself we are free. This is a subject that is not being discussed. Republicans are no where near ready to educate themselves about how to have true freedom. So they live in fear & cling to things to protect themselves instead of knowing it is within them. I am voting for Obama & I know that my intentions bring results. I don't live in the drama that the republicans you see on here are living in. They believe we are not safe so they live in fear.

  10. These constant wars are weakening our nation and destroying our dominance.

  11. Dont even start those liberal lies! Just because McCain supported a war that overthrew an evil tyrant and established a democracy in the heart of the middle east, you guys try to put him out as a war hawk. He was in Vietnam and knows how horrific war can be, but he is not afraid to use military force if it is for the safety of our country and our allies. MCCAIN 08!!!

  12. LOL. Well, yes. I'd say that ANY country that was obsessed with "continuing its world dominance" would probably be fighting wars all the time. I suppose that's the nature of "dominance": forcing others to do things they don't want. And in order to have force, you need to have a military.

    The U.S. is a militarized nation. Huge militaries are great for scaring people and nations into submission. That said, a country cannot keep putting massive amounts of money into its military without eventually needing to sacrifice something else, and that something else is inevitably going to be education and health and human services. The U.S. spends more on its military than ANYTHING, INCLUDING Social Security, which is why I laugh heartily when I hear people complain bitterly about "lazy welfare recipients."

    Here, Mr. President. Use my money for expensive weapons-development research and buying guns and bombs to use on people in one of the poorest countries in the world. You're welcome.

    Look here, what kind of wonderful technology our military is busy developing to make the world a better place: an invisibility cloak! What people definitely need, more than food and education, is government and military police going about in their invisibility cloaks, spying on them.

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