
Is McDonald's a good place and is healthy place?

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i have tride it i wnt too see what u think




  1. the food tastes ok, but the meat is not good quality at all. I have worked in fast food, and if the general public knew what their meat looked like before it was cooked, few people would want to eat it. Trust me.

  2. I heard that if you order a salad, with two dressings that it is just as fattning as ordering a big mac

  3. i dont care if it says its healthy i dont think any thing from there is. just one double cheesburger has about 500 calories plus all that other stuff.

  4. I agree with Jazi..people always talk about how great and healthy salads are and they are generally more healthy then other fast food but unless you are using fat free dressing then chances are you're eating just as many calories and grams of fat. The only difference is at least you are eating veggies but hey you can argue french fries are veggies too so....I would say stay away from fast food as much as you can.

  5. it really depends burger are not heathey but the salad is hethey and is really good!

  6. You need to see "Super-size Me"! It is an amazing movie where a guy eats only at McDonald's for 30 days. He has many health issues along the way, gains weight, cholesterol, more. Fast food is making us fat and unhealthy. We need to stop!

  7. It depends what you order. If you order a burger, than it is not. If you order salad, than it is healthy. Just don't eat to much of it. But once in a while it's good. :)

  8. Good place, but overall, not healthy.

    To determine if their food is healthy, find out what they put in there food. I cringe when I think about it.


  9. Hahaha healty huh.. ya know any more good jokes.

  10. just look at the average customer that goes there, do they look fit & healthy to you?. make your own answer

    any fast food is ok in moderation if you have a balanced diet and eat correctly.

    it should not be your primary place to eat.

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