
Is McDonald's really as bad for you as they say?

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I love McDonald's, but I also want to lose around 10 pounds. I'm not real overweight but could stand to lose that much. I LOVE McDonald's and eat there about 2-3 times a week. Usually medium fries and a burger each time. If that's the only big meal you eat in a day, is it really as bad as everyone says?




  1. Yes it absolutely is every bit as bad for you-and the economy- to eat this food, I think that this company, although it being the biggest food chain in the world, has also done some of the greatest damage to this world as well.  The animals are treated at substandard levels for starters, the meat is severely genetically modified to make it taste great, ( I don't put sugar in a burger when I make one at home, do you?), and it's cheap to buy, it's the perfect storm.

    Go rent "Fast Food Nation" and  "Supersize Me", and these shows may give you a better picture of what I'm talking about.

  2. watch supersize me.

    and remember thats only for a person eating ONLY mcdonalds for 30 days.

    i mean mcdonalds is good rarely like ... maybe once every 2 weeks if you REALLY need to.

    and trust me that doesnt mean its good to go to any other fast food restaurant. ive lived without fast food for like the past half a year so far and im doing pretty good!

  3. No ignorant people don't want to live up to the fact that Mcdonalds isn't bd 4 u. They over do it and blame people for thier being obese.

  4. Yes. Do u look at the nutrion facts!! A double cheese burger as 1110 mg of sodium.

  5. as long as you dont eat it all the time and when you do eat it dont eat half of menu

  6. There are a lot of calories and fat in those burgers and fries. Why don't you cut down to small fries and one of the smallest burgers on the menu?

  7. No! Nothing is as bad as they claim, if consumed in moderation.  The fast food fascists here would claim just seeing a Mickey D's sign will induce weight gain. Bull s***!

    Eat what you want, but just make sure it's balanced.

  8. 2-3 times a week is a bit too much. I think you might want to cut down to once a week especially if you want to lose ten pounds.

    Check out McDonald's nutrition information here:

    All the calories, fats, and everything else contained in every McDonald's food choice is listed there.

    A hamburger with no cheese is 250 calories and medium french fries are 380 calories. That totals 630 calories. That isn't too bad, but do you get a drink too? A medium Coca-Cola makes another 210 calories on top of the 630!

    Don't get discouraged! Definitely don't cut fast food out of your life and not even the temporary diet you are going on if you love fast food so much. Moderation is the key. :)

    You can lose ten pounds in ten weeks and keep it off if you are careful. Losing more than a pound a week will almost certainly not be kept off. This is what I do:

    Use a Calorie Calculator to count your daily caloric needs to maintain your current weight right now. Just enter in the correct information here:

    Let's say you need 2,000 calories a day to maintain your CURRENT weight (to not gain any). Just subtract 500 calories from that amount. That totals 1,500 calories a day. If you take away 500 calories for the 7 days in the week that equals equals 3,500 calories (one pound lost). You will lose one pound per week and you won't starve yourself at all! It will be much easier to keep the weight off if you do it in a healthy way. Also, spreading the 1,500 calories daily out into 5-6 smaller meals a day will keep your metabolism running more, to ensure that your body burns fat instead of muscle.

    I hope this helps! Good luck! :)

  9. no not realy mcdonalds got foods for those hue wants to wach there wait. like for instance there salads are good. and i run sometimes after i eat lunch i get the chicken nuggets they help with cramps and stuff. and another thing instead of having coke you can drink water. because if you drink 8 glasses of water a day it can also help you lose weaght

  10. Be realistic.  If you want to lose weight, you shouldn't eat processed food like McDonalds.  Sorry, just being blunt.  Cold turkey, or else you might not be ready yet.

  11. Yes, try Wendy's if you are trying to lose weight

  12. yes

  13. Moderation is the key to any diet. No food is bad. However there are foods that are better than others.

    Do you also exercise? Walking briskly for 30-45 minutes a day 3-5 times a week would help you burn a few more calories. Maybe if you substitute your soda for water or tea, it would help cut calories.

    I would make it a small order of fries or a salad and a small hamburger.. Of course Big Mac has much more calories than a regular hamburger (like the ones in a kids meal...)

    At least once a week you should eat what you like. Eat smaller portions, and exercise and you can loose the 10 pounds.

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