
Is McDonalds responsible for crimes against humanity such as terrorism and death?

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In Malibu, California. A Mcdonalds sign tiped over and fell on the road causing a big accident kill 6 people, one of the cars ran into a gas station kill more than 26 people, a fire ball went up and landed on a school and another on a mall. The boiler room was blown up and fire balls landed on a hospital and other roads causing more fatal accidents. A car ran into a underground parking garage and exploded making the foundation of the building explode therefore making the building tip over and knock other buildings down. One building half of it exploded sending huge fireballs all over killing thousands. A superheated car ran into a police station causing all the guns to set off killing more. The whole city was on fire and people dying. Due to the mcdonalds sign collasping on the road.

Can the manager be sued and arrested?

Can I sue for the burnt of my food?




  1. i didn't hear about this on cnn.

  2. may not be responsible for this but should be responsible for crimes committed on taste buds all across the world and for twisting the interpretation of food to its extremes.

  3. Purely coincidence. Get over MacD's, people in yahoo answers seem to be sooo pressed on it.

  4. Hate to say it....but uh...i don't really think so! This little story is strange, where'd you hear it. I'm not saying i don't believe you cause i have some pretty strange stories myself. but i was just wondering??

  5. Bwa,ha,ha,ha,...a chain of events unfolding right before your eyes...the reefer was that strong huh....

  6. Wow, take a breath and then go back to sleep - that was one wicked dream sequence...if that ever really happened, I doubt anyone could be legitimately sued as that would be mere coincidence or an act of nature (but our country is sue happy - so anyones guess)

  7. Did that really happen???? I find it hard to belive.....sorry.

  8. I don't think that the manager can be arrested or sued, unless it was his/her responsibility to make sure the sign was secure. If there had been numerous calls and concerns regarding the state the sign was in (perhaps it was leaning to the side and ready to fall) then the manager is responsible and should be fired. However, I think that the suing party would actually have to go after the McDonald's corporation, and not the active manager.

    And why sue for the "burnt of [your] food" you're going to end up paying the lawyer more than you win.

  9. This is the same thing as Mrs. O'Leary's cow and the Chicago Fire -- only put into a modern setting.  The only people who have any claim to sue are those related to the 6 people in the accident immediately aftere the sign fell -- and that would be a stretch.

    Sounds like a question for a class -- am I right?

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