
Is Mccain's reason for picking a woman as his VP?

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Only a ploy to get women democrats to vote for him? Or does he really want her as his vp? Seems like a cover up to get women votes to me. What do you think?




  1. Actually I think it is a ploy by McCain to draw on Ron Paul's supporters.

        I know myself personally would not cast my vote on the basis of the candidates race or gender but I am very very happy with his choice for VP.

       Palin is a maverick herself, and an honest reformer. The last time a reformer sat as VP alot of good was done(Theodor Roosevelt).

         + If she would of ran for the Republican presidential nomination I would of supported her.

    I would also like to think that alot of people emailed McCain's campaign suggesting he pick Sarah Palin for VP.

       Either way if McCain wins it will be a safe bet that within 4-8 years a good reformer will be in the white house.

    And with an 80% approval rating in her home state, hard to argue with the numbers.

    But to those that would vote for McCain-Palin ticket just because she is a "woman" I have mixed feelings. Part of me want's to say take your vote and shove it but then again I really want McCain-Palin to win...

  2. It is for "change". dEMOcRATS are funny.

    You do realize that taxes will rise across the board to pay for the $200 billion (at a minimum) added to government spending for his policies and the war in Iraq will be transferred to Afghanistan with the possibility of invading Pakistan. This isn't American Idol, this is the most powerful position in the world. If you are envious of the rich and desiring a transference of war vote Obama.  

  3. I'm actually insulted that he would think that female Democrats would vote for him just because he picked a woman as his VP.  I mean, how dumb does he think we are?  I'm really going to vote for someone of the opposite party just because his VP pick has ovaries?  Get real.

  4. "Only a ploy to get women democrats to vote for him?" 70% of what the democratic party does is only a ploy to get the female vote.

  5. I think that's part of the reason. Or maybe he's out for the highly coveted Alaska vote. (As if.)

    If he were smart, he would have picked someone who knows the economy, like Romney; if Palin does, I haven't seen proof of it.

  6. First of all, educate yourself on the issue before you pass judgement.  Palin is a staunch conservative.  She will satisfy all of the Republicans that disagree with McCain.  Look at the voting records.  McCain has crossed the aisle on many issue during his terms.  Something Obama has never done.  He has taken criticism for this, but he has done so because he believes it be in the best interest for the country.  Secondly, she is a reformer.  She has turned down ear mark and pork barrel money from Congress.  Look up the issues on the "Bridge to Nowhere".  

    She is a wholesome person, mother of 5, 1 of which is joining the military during a time of war, another of which has down syndrom, so we know exactly which side to the abortion issue she resides.  

    Thirdly, she has ousted the crooked, incumbent Republican governor and brought Alaska's budget under control.  She did so by cutting spending, not raising taxes.  Something Democrats would not even think of.  

    As far as Foriegn policy, show me 1 governor who has even been consulted by the Executive branch of the govenment on any issue of foreign policy.  Foreign policy is set by the POTUS, not Senators and Governors.

    In essence, she lacks experience for the long term, but she is a quick study.  She has an approval rating of over 80% in Alaska.  With any of the arguments that can be made for Palin, the same argument can be made for Obama.  She is the Republicans #2, not the #1 like Obama.

    Oh yeah, she was a hockey mom, that participated in the PTA.  Noticed some changes that needed to be made in her home town and ran for mayor.  Then decided that changes needed to be made in the state and did that.  She didn't go to college to become a lawyer or political analyst.  She was a mom and wife that saw something needed to be done.  How is that for CHANGE?

  7. he picked her mainly b/c she represents reform, however her being a woman is an added bonus just like obama being black.

  8. everything is done for a reason. come on, think about it. everything people do has a motive to it.

  9. I find this question insulting.  the woman that was picked has been on the short list for some time.  The media only focused on the men because they themselves had run for President, but failed to receive enough votes.  

    Those who continue to insult his choice have failed to do their own research on this extraordinary woman and only read the negative comments about her.  

  10. I doubt that. You're not talking about many potential votes anyway, since the majority of women go Democrat, and he already had most of the Obama-hating Hillary supporters on his side.

    Seems more like he needed a staunch conservative to even out his own questionable record. People keep saying Romney, but the two, like Obama and Clinton have had a feud. So he probably wouldn't have been very high on McCain's list.

  11. Of course it is.

    McCain is doing whatever he can to try and beat Obama.

    He knows that Obama's gonna win and he's scared out of his boxer shorts! :]

  12. YEP

  13. Yeah, both parties are useless.

    Dude who says crazy things when he's not spouting "Change!" & a dude who isn't man enough to defend himself directly against a certain democrat detractor.

    Then a chick who's only experience is in a 6,500 town & a two-faced racist prick.

    Real winners all around.

    A nation gets what it deserves, but this sucks.

    EDIT: And I almost forgot, voters who know utterly nothing about either candidate (except sound bites they decide are "kewl") and who should really be keeping their votes limited to something like their favorite WWF contestant.

  14. She has good down home values.  Let the hockey mom try, the lifer-politicians havent done chit.

  15. I think you are ignorant if you think women are this ignorant.  DO you really think women would simply vote for someone because of what is between their legs?  Did Hillary's run teach you anything?;...

  16. he's just trying to get former hillary supporters on his side, he's tried a lot but this is just an act of desperation.

  17. I completely agree with you.

    He needs the woman vote. He also needs to the youth vote.

    Unfortunately, after bombarding Barack Obama with criticisms about how young and inexperienced he is, he picked someone even more so than Barack. Seems kind of hypocritical.

    Luckily, people are seeing through his ploy.

    And if women do their research, they will find that although Palin calls herself a "feminist," she stands staunchly opposed to the feminist community on almost every issue.

  18. I think it's a way for someone to get into the history books, and McCain is, I think, still trying to sway Hillary voters. But I won't vote because of race or gender - I'm voting because I want a good person to be in that White House.

  19. who knows

  20. I think it's insulting that McCain actually thinks Dems are so stupid that they'd switch parties just to vote for an anti-choice former beauty queen. Talk about inexperienced-she was a mayor of a town of less than 10,000 and a governer of a state that has a population that is less than most of the cities we all live in. It's a crass move. It'd be different if he really thought she'd be a good choice as his back-up, but if he keels over, I don't think she's a great choice to deal with our domestic problems or foreign policy issues.    

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