
Is Meat Bad For Our Body?

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I rarely eat veggies. Maybe only once per month. And yeah, I eat only meat. Is this bad for my health? I notice, though, that my face is always flaming, and my friend commented that it's because I rarely eat meat.

Everyday I drink fruit juice, though.




  1. Yes because its flesh and humans were never meant to eat flesh and so basically its a sin...........even though im buddhist not christian it even says it in the bible on proverb12:15 i think meat rots in our stomachs doesnt digest think would you eat a person because its basically the same thing let alone the torture the animals go through befor reching your plate never seeing grass and green pastures.............

  2. yes very veryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryvery... BAD

  3. mad is not bad for you.but if you have trouble eating meat then you should stop eating meat.but every ones body reacts different to meat.

  4. Yes it's bad

    Vegetarians are about 40% less likely to get cancer then nonvegetarions.

    because animal protein causes cancer.

    And meat is full of saturated fat, cholesterol, pesticides, dioxins, hormones, and antibiotics. Which is bad for your health, which leads to many diseasea and illnesses, including heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, obesity, and various types of cancer.

      And you should see how animals get killed. Meat doesn't come from the small family farms that you see in childrens books, they are produced in intensive factory farms, where animals suffer from confinement, routine bodily mutilations, and painful slaughter techniques

    Go to

    It has lots of info and videos

  5. It's not a good idea to label any food as 'good' or 'bad'. Anyone who says meat is ''bad'' or ''good'' is misinformed. It is neither. Like any food, it has positive and negative qualities.

    However, I simply choose to avoid it. It is not an essential part of the human diet. I get my protein and other nutrients from plant based sources.

    Your face is flaming due to lack of raw enzymes. Meat lacks fibre. Fibre comes only from plant foods. By only eating meat, you won't be getting the vitamins, minerals and beneficial phytochemicals that fruits and vegetables provide.

  6. If u drink juice regularly u must be a lot of slim and trim. And as ur friend said that meat is bad for health than he/she is wrong. As u know a proverb too says "too much of something is harmful ". So, u must take care.

  7. Its not bad for your body just bad 4 ur conchinse

  8. A balanced diet of fruit, veg, red and white meat is all you need..

    Dr Antony

  9. Meat in moderate amounts in conjuction with other foods, no

    meat by itself even in moderate amounts, yes

    meat in excessive amounts even with other foods, yes

    excessaive consumption of ALL kinds of foods, meat or not meat, yes.

    Meat alone will not provide you worth all the nutrients that your body requires. Eat in moderation with other foods and it might work. Combine with a healthy exercise regimen, even better.

    Food is just a way to provide the body with the nutrients it needs to survive. Source is immaterial. The nutrients are. That's why some people choose to eat plant foods alone, get their RDA of nutrients and satisfy their moral beliefs on animal cruelty and such issues.

  10. As a meat eater, I must admit, it is much healthier to eat just veg than just meat. If you only eat meat, you'll get obese and die of heart disease or a heart attack or something or the other. Once per month. Where are your parents?

  11. don't like veg much either but you need to eat a bit of it

  12. >there is no nutritional value in dead animal flesh

    The problem with this uninformed statement is that we have a biological need for B-12, a vitamin that does not naturally occur in plant-based foods.

    The flushing could be due to high niacin levels in your body from the meat.

    Really, a balanced diet is essential.  Vitamin supplements help, but your body metabolizes vitamins more readily from food, and vegetables have vitamins in them which you won't find in other foods.

  13. If that's all that you eat, it would be a definite YES.

    Meat can be consumed in moderation with little to no risk to your health, but a diet based primarily on meat products will most likely lead to health problems fairly early in life.

    Your diet sounds like it offers virtually no fiber. It must be painful to go to the bathroom or at least take a considerable amount of wasted time.

    The body creates it's own cholesterol naturally and the amount that can be eliminated after dietary consumption is very limited. Every day that you eat like this, you get one day closer to serious life threatening illness such as heart attack or maybe a stroke that will take a good chunk of your brain out of operation before you even hit 50.

  14. Anaemia, appendicitis, arthritis, breast cancer, cancer of the colon, cancer of the prostate, constipation, diabetes, gall stones, gout, high blood pressure, indigestion, obesity, piles, strokes and varicose veins are just some of the well known disorders which are more likely to affect meat eaters than vegetarians.

    Those who still eat beef are, in my view, foolishly exposing themselves to the risk of contracting the horrifying human version of Mad Cow Disease.

    he healthiness of a vegetarian diet is perhaps shown most dramatically by the fact that lifelong vegetarians visit hospitals 22% less often than meat eaters - and for shorter stays! Vegetarians tend to be fitter than meat eaters - as well as healthier - and many of the world's most successful athletes (particularly those who specialise in endurance events) follow a strictly vegetarian diet.

    There are not only many different fruits and vegetables available these days but, if you miss the texture of meat, you can buy vegetarian sausages, hamburgers and pies. Stews and curries can be made with soya and you can buy tofu cheese too.

  15. everything in moderation.  eat a well balanced diet and your skin should be fine.

  16. yes!! VERY BAD!!

    there is no nutritional value in dead animal flesh that is pumped full of growth hormones, antibiotics, chemicals, e coli, mad cow disease, feed additives, etc.

    once a month you eat a few veggies and drink some fruit juice!? Have you ever watched a program on BBC called "You Are What You Eat"? you can also google it.

    I am frankly surprised that you are still alive! get a healthy diet ASAP! veggies are your friends! Get to know Soy!

    Leave the dairy and the meat behind!!

    Watch the movie "Super Size Me", the guy ate nothing but fast food for 30 days and it almost killed him...

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