
Is Melbourne safe?

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I mean I plan to go there to study, but a friend of my dad told me there are lots of immigrants over there like jamaican, italian, vietnamese...

And the vietnamese are very dangerous; the jamaican sell drugs.

Are all these true? Thanks.




  1. Never heard of Jamaicans in Melbourne but I suppose there are some.  I'd say 95% or more of Vietnamese people have never been charged with anything more serious than parking offences or maybe speeding. The ones I know have been biologists, engineers or computer specialists, others run restaurants or bakeries.  Same with Italians.  I have two Italian neighbours, they are more into gardening than anything else and I expect the Italians in Melbourne are the same.    

    Someone noted that there had been a few murders in Melbourne recently.  These have been organised crime hits, mostly due I'd say to the long standing extortion rackets in the fruit and vegetable markets and the trade in marijuana, ecstasy and heroin / cocaine.  It's a gang war. If you  are not planning to go into the standover business or sale of drugs on a large scale you will be pretty safe.

  2. I spent a few years in Melbourne back in the early 1980's. Coming from Perth the first thing I noticed was how they glossed over a few murders on the first news bulletin I heard, and then it was the same every day. In Perth a murder is big headlines and stays in the news till the murderer is convicted and sentenced. Not in Melbourne.

    The few Asian Students that I remember being murdered in Melbourne were killed by their boyfriends or got killed by the Police when trying to rob a TAB agency to obtain money.

    Just stay alert, don't walk around alone , and don't trust strangers, especially if they are "over friendly".

    Places like Footscray, Altona, Pharan, Richmond, Frankston and such look scary because of all the ruffian looking unemployed people, wearing their beanies & lumber jackets, and weird looking foreigners, but if things have changed since I was last there then it might be better.

    The TV show "underbelly" was spot on with what Melbourne looked like in the 80's and how the crooks looked as well, so that might give you some pointers.

  3. Melbourne is a culturally diverse city with lots of immigrants living here, although they are not mean and dangerous. There are dangerous people where ever you go. If you don't annoy anyone, then no one will annoy you.

  4. Melbourne is a safe city. Of course there is some crime and some people will be mugged - that happens anywhere - but basically it is safe. Nearly all Australian cities are safe  for the most part.  The one where you are most likely to get bashed is Darwin because of the large number of drunks in popular night areas like Mitchell St but even then I have not witnessed any problems there.

    There are migrants in Australia from more than 150 different countries. There have been some notable beat-ups in the media about crime among particular ethnicities, the latest being the Sudanese. The Sudanese are no more likely to be involved in crime than anyone else.

    Enjoy yourself in Melbourne, it's a wonderful and diverse city with lots to do and great people. I've lived there three times and have never had a problem.

  5. Melbourne is as safe as any other major city in the world. Whatever city you are in there will always be dodgy stuff going on, no place is perfect. Where the person comes from (and more importantly what skin colour they are) has nothing to do with it. Europeans/ English/ Americans are just as dangerous as each other. You'll be fine.

  6. Hahaha,

    I think the non-immigrants are dangerous. We did have some mafia killings a few years back. But racism aside, melbourne is very safe. We are you coming from?

    1. We don't have any jamicans, we have some sudanese which are frenquently in the papers. Some may say there apart of the rise in crime. But they don't sell drugs to my knowledge

    2. Vietnamese aren't dangerous, they add so much to melbourne.

    Melbourne and Australia is built on migrants one in two people is either a migrant or there parents migrants. I love the fact that it is so multicultural, I live in a jewish part of town, goto school with mostly asian-australians and internationals, parents are swiss-italian. I wouldn't have it any other way!

    Come see for yourself.

  7. Melbourne is very culturally diverse. And yes, there are a LOT of Vietnamese migrants as well as other asian races (Indian, etc.) There are Vietnamese gangs who think their tough and all that but really their just a bunch of p***y's. The African gangs (as well as Carribean) are the ones to watch out for. My friend recently got mugged by a Sudanese Gang in the suburbs.

    In saying that, most migrants from around the world are friendly and i have many friends who were originally from different parts of the world. Its only a small percentage who think there tough and form gangs. Melbourne is actually a very safe city by Australian and World standards.

  8. Jamaicans in Melbourne? Anyway - Melbourne is a very safe place. Like anywhere else on the globe there are areas you try and stay away from but all in all its a very safe, inclusive city where multicultralism is celebrated.  Use common sense and make some local friends and you'll be absolutely fine.

  9. No its not! a hole from the ground will open up and a monster will come from the ground!

  10. melbourne is a wonderful city....

    I recently stayed two nights in the city , it is a safe place. I can NOT say that you will be 100% safe as there is always an element ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE you may go to.. all you need to do is keep your wits about you and you should be fine..

    as for the jamacians selling drugs .. I think there are heaps of different people selling drugs .. BUT they aren't gunna make you buy them unless you want them .. In all the times I have wandered around Melbourne I have never been accosted to buy drugs...

    To be perfectly honest it sounds as it your dad's friend is a bit of a racist .. I absolutely adore the cultural diversity of this city. It is something worth seeing and being a part of

  11. although its true, i think still better than malaysia..

    i mean PATI in malaysia..

    d**n la dat PATI!!!
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