
Is Merriman foolish to play this season?

by  |  earlier

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I would really like to see him play and do well, but he risks hurting himself further and may never be able to play again. I think he should take care of himself while he still can.




  1. As a Raider fan, all I can say is...

    Rock on Merriman!  You stupid steroided out b*****d!  

  2. whats the best part of all this is that the chargers are letting him play!! they could just as easily sit him down and tell him that he is going to get the surgery and sit out a year. i would have to think its the chargers who are being the bigger idiots. oh well, let them learn the hard way!  maybe thats why they have never won a super bowl! idiots!

  3. He was foolish to get all juiced up on roids...he's a complete moron for playing this season. At least when he wrecks his knee beyond repair, we won't have to put up with his playground-like 'lights out' nonsense.

  4. He must be seeking early retirement.

  5. It's his contract year, so he is probably playing to get a big contract. So he isn't just foolish. He is also greedy.

  6. The surgery would have him out for a year and it's likely his career would be over anyway based on the type of surgery he needs.

    He's played on it anyway so he's better off to keep playing and getting paid.  If he blows it out then he's no worse off.

  7. Yes, he is being foolish.  You have to remember though that players have this "nothing can happen to me" type of mentality.   They say it because they love to play football, which I can understand.

    But, he went to four different doctors and they all told him he should not play.  I think any one of those doctors has more medical expertise than Merriman does.  He does not know the long-term affects he could possibly do!  

  8. Foolish and insane! If he gets the wrong kind of hit to that knee, his career could be over. I understand the desire to play, but shoudl he get hurt this year he may never play or walk the same again. But I also admire his courage and willingness to sacrifice for his team though. It's hard to find team first guys like that anymore.

  9. Yes.  When 4 different doctors tell you that your options are:

    1. Play and if you get hurt your career is done.

    2. Surgery miss 7 months and be good as new by mini camps next spring.

    He is a young guy entering his prime and risks throwing everything thing away.  The only reason I would consider the 1st choice was if I'm on the downside of my career and will probably retire in the next 3 years.

  10. Yes, he is foolish.  The Dr.s said he could get a career ending injury without surgery.  He shouldn't risk his whole career on one year.

  11. Yes my buddy whos a doctor said it could end his career if he gets hurt its sounds foolish to play but its his choice.

  12. Yes he's being foolish.  It would be one thing if he was 34 years old and this was the end of his career, but he's only 24!  He's risking his health, his future in the NFL, and a WHOLE lot of future contract money by playing as injured as he is.

    If 4 doctors say you need surgery now, you should probably listen to them.  It's one thing to try tough out a minor injury, it's another thing entirely to be stupid and try to play through a major injury that could cost you your career.  

  13. yea. he's playing through a major injury when a ton of doctors are telling him not to. i know you're trying to be tough, but you play in the NFL, no one thinks you're a sissy.

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