
Is Metal Gear Solid 4 mostly a movie?

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Im planning on buying MGS4 though i need to know is it mostly movie?

How much gameplay is there for say an Expert gamer?(id say im a 9.0/10 in games)

Im guessing theres 3 hours of cut scene and 20 hours of gameplay

Plus is the online good? have CoD4 and i want to know if MGO better than CoD4 online

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  1. Simple answer is yes

  2. believe me it has more game play then cut scenes, sure it has alot of cut seens, some that stretch over an hour, but it still has alot of game play, it will take you more than a week to play 100% through it

  3. Lots of gameplay. Also, the only is perfect.

  4. Yes, MGS4 goes for a movie experience. These scenes can stretch but are optional, you can skip them or pause them for a break if you feel you need too.  The game-play is also lengthy and the game has a great replay value. The are plenty of unlockables and emblems to collect, and plenty of free downloadable content. The online is also good, but is nothing at all like COD4, totally different. It is a game that is a must own.

    The only gripe I have with the game is the online portion of the game, MGO.  It was hassle to sign up for as you have to do so with Konami in order to play, it has nothing to do with you PS3 account. Updates and content for the game are also solely handled by Konami, which is a pain because everytime there is an update for the game or new dlc becomes available their servers crash from everyone being on it. Causing headaches all alround.  The online play is good, the service not so much. None of this affects the single player game though, just thought you should know.

  5. Theres about 25 hours of gameplay (unless you try to rush though it and get big boss emblem, but a thorough play through is about 25 hours), and way more than 3 hours of cutscene. the last one in the game is about 90 minutes long. ive looked it up and ive seen 9 hours coming up alot, and honestly, it wouldnt surprise me. i full enjoyed the game from beginning to end, and i also watched it from beginning to end and i cant say i was dissappointed. also, the online is oaky, but definitely not as good as cod 4. but, imo, the games campaign was fully worth my 60$


    actually now that i look it up more, im coming across things that say the game play hours include the cutscenes so it might be about 15 hours gameplay, 10 or so of cutscene

  6. nothing is better than COD online, period. single player will blow u away, multi kinda sucks.....awesome game

  7. Yesterday I finished MGS4. There is a time counter. It took me a little bit more than 24 hours to beat it. As for the cut-scenes - you can skip them if you want, but you'll miss a great story. I felt like I'm not only playing in a great game, but also watching a great movie. Graphics are like in Final Fantasy movie. This game is a must-have. So far the best next-gen game I played.

  8. it is almost the exact oppisite of what you are thinking it is about 5 hours of game play and about 15 hours of movie. but online is the best. i think its better than cod4

  9. No.....the game outweighs the movies, but there are some quite lengthy (and skipable) cutscenes.

  10. MGS4 even though it has alot of cutscenes it also has ALOT of replay value what with all the unlockables and different emblems to get. I've already played it through 4 times and am on my 5th which is an attempt at the Big Boss emblem which is extroardinarily hard.

    MGO beats CoD 4 online hands down and i'm not sure whether thats because I've become bored with 6 months of CoD4 but all I know is I am always on MGO

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