
Is Mexico creating fear, anxiety of America citizens & racial profiling ?

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Were they stopped because they looked American? Since many Mexicans hold dual citizenship,is Mexico bringing undue hardship to people when the country impounds their cars until they pay,isn't that like highway robbery ?Will this increase racial profiling by police and harm legal immigrants.

The city of Ciudad Acuna, across the border from Del Rio, Texas, said Friday that it fined four U.S. residents for carrying extra diesel and would impound their cars until they pay. The fines equal 70 percent of the value of the diesel confiscated.

U.S. drivers can fill up their own vehicles, but carrying extra fuel containers back across the border violates customs regulations and possibly safety rules, a report from the city said.

Mexico, one of the world's top 10 oil producers, sells diesel fuel domestically at subsidized prices of about US$2.25 per gallon, about half the U.S. price.

Mexican filling stations near the U.S. border have seen an increase in American drivers who cross over to fill up. Mexican truckers and drivers complain the run on fuel is causing temporary shortages and longer lines for them.,0,7941884.story




  1. They have a very good reason if you'd think a minute. Hauling containers of fuel is dangerous and against OUR laws. Lucky the Americans are getting a small fine on that side rather than getting stopped this side of the border.

  2. I'd just pay the fine.  Anyone who has ever been to the border towns of Mexico, knows the extortion, profiling and racism towards Americans is prolific, just as any American who has been on that side of the border knows, pay up and thank goodness you didnt do something to land in one of their jails.   I think your point of double standards is well made.  Its ok to be racist if you arent a white American

  3. Mexico is fine. There's nothing wrong.

  4. Go back to SCHOOL moron!!!!

    America is multiple racial,  has been, and always will be!!! even before Europeans came to destroy both flora and fauna  Hoooo   and the rightful Owners!!!!!!

    at least Mexicans are 90% native Americans when you see a Mexican you Know wath a "Son of this land" looks Like!!!!

    un like you son of a murderer

  5. Yes,looks like racial profiling to me but I would expect no less from mexico.

  6. Pay the fine.

  7. YES!

  8. I dont understand... pay the fine, whats the big deal?

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