
Is Michael Phelps Stronger Than God?

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Who is stronger - God or Michael Phelps? The way that Bob Costas talks about Phelps, I would imagine he could beat God up pretty good.




  1. i think you can answer this yourself

    this has got to be the most stupid question i have come across, do you seriously think michael can beat him up?

    its just like asking who would win out of a jaguar and a korgi

  2. God made and powers Michael Phelps, therefore no

  3. Apparently you suck.

  4. Yes, because God doesn't exist.

  5. Huh? Some people type just to type i guess. What does that even mean? Amazing... Of course he is stronger than an imaginary friend of ..ummmm millions of people... Oh wait...Maybe not?!!?!

  6. are you guys dumb? michael phelps is god.

  7. BS you idiot!

  8. are you stupid?? u must be an athiest

  9. Good one.  It's a trick question because Michael Phelps is God!  Oh you crack me up.

  10. NOBODY is stronger than God........What the Fucl{ is wrong with you?  

  11. Wow. No.   God is a thousand times more powerful. More powerful than you can even imagine.

    Have you looked at what he has done?  Go walk outside.

    Phelps just won gold medals... God made everything.

    God is completely stronger. Go to church.

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