
Is Michael Phelps the best athlete in the world?

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Is Michael Phelps the best athlete in the world?




  1. YES  he just broke the worls reccord for gold medals won in the olympics!!!!!

  2. Not even close.

  3. Why doesn't everyone just tackle and roll him into the 69 position now.  

  4. No.  He is an amazing swimmer in the events he does though.  

  5. In Swimming, yes.  

  6. athelte? maybe not. swimmer? well i would like to think yes.

  7. thats kinda a loaded question as it can be argued anywhichway, but he is certainly the most decorated olympian in the history of man and the best swimmer in the world (and of all time :] hes so awesome lol).  

  8. no he is the best olympin ever but no hes a swimmer no offence to the sport but its because he is a swimmer

  9. if hes not then why hasn't anyone ever gotten more then 7 gold metals in any sport. So yes he is. The fact that he won them all in swimming means nothing because someone could have won them all in any sport if they were good enough

  10. Swimmer, YES!  Athlete?  I have a problem with labeling a great athlete of one sport with the title of "greatest athlete."  There are so many different facets to athetics.  Running, swimming, jumping, balancing, precision, etc...  I just don't see how an athlete who is great only in his/her sport could be the "greatest athlete" since there are many athletic things he can't do as well as many others.  He certainly is one of the greatest athletes, but I think calling his the greatest over other athletes who excel in other types of athletic endeavors is akin to comparing apples with oranges.

  11. he's definitely a great olympian and one of a kind swimmer, athlete maybe, who knows lots of people can aruge that,

  12. if you define best as most olympic medals then of course he is; if you define it as most earnings then he is certainly not; if you define athleticism as a combination of strength, agility, speed and balance, etc. then he is probably not the best athlete in the world given he is a swimmer, though he is clearly the best swimmer in the world.

  13. .......why you making me giggle like a b***h with this question

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