
Is Milan a baby-friendly place?

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Is Milan a baby-friendly place?




  1. No, they like to eat babies in Milan.

    lol, just kidding.  ^_~  I'm sure you and your baby will be perfectly fine.  The Italians are a very friendly people.

  2. I love Milan! I was stationed in Italy for three years, and I visited Milan twice. All of Italy, as many have mentioned, is very baby-friendly. The people are warm, and absolutely adore kids. What I would suggest, though, is that most of the streets are cobblestone and very narrow-not very stroller friendly. When we traveled, we used a baby-backpack. Also, there aren't many convenient places for changing, so I would recommend bringing plenty of DISPOSABLE changing pads. Huggies makes them, and they are well worth it. You'll probably end up changing diapers in some places that you never thought you would! :) Enjoy your trip, 'buon viaggio'!

    Oh, and you HAVE to try the lasagne! Best in the world.

  3. Everybody and everything will be friendly with yr baby in Milan; if I were  you my biggest concern would be however the quality of the air in Milan.

    I would rather move to some countryside even not so far from Milan but without the pollution that Milan has,mainly in winter but even on summertime.

  4. The Italians LOVE children and anywhere you go your child will be greeted warmly, attract much attention and be cooed over so you have no need to worry.  Just go out there and enjoy yourself if you're off on holiday.

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