
Is Miley Cyrus a good role model for little kids?

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By little kids I mean the ones that are the ages between like 8-13




  1. lol no!

  2. YES because she knows how to admit when shes done something wrong and she knows how to stand up for what she believes in.

  3. Uhhmmm, NO.

  4. She used to be! She was an awesome kid that didn't give into the pressures of stardom.

    But then she did... taking nearly nude pics of yourself isn't a good role model trait.  

  5. No, children need real life role models ones that they know and get to see every side of. Not someone on a screen who they don't know. They need ones that don't s***w up so often, but make mistakes like everyone else and learn from them.  

  6. h**l to the no

    have you seen her pics??

    do you want your kids to grow up and be like that??

    jb fans!!!

  7. Not anymore

  8. I don't understand what she did

  9. NO

    and idc what other people think...

    Miley is not fit to be a rolemodel...

    I mean look at the example she is setting for her little sister and other little kids in this nation LOL I mean world :)

    Miley is a no good peace of white trash

    and I hope her and the jonas brothers both fall off a cliff and burn in hades!


    And her hillbilly ho daddy is just using miley's fame to become famous again to bad it's not working...


  10. No obviously.

  11. She use to be, but I think she let the fame go to her head. My sisters love it, but the 8 year old said that she does a lot of stupid stuff that kids shouldn't be seeing.

  12. 10 - 13 should know what going on kind of just from media. But h**l no is she good I thought she was at first but she has been nothing but a little s**t for over a year now. Just because she apologized for something (1 thing, the nude photo) doesnt make up for the other 15 pics of her revealing her flat chest. or kissing a random boy . . .

  13. I guess so,but "little kids" likes her coz they dont know whats going on on this world coz theyre

  14. Do you really want me to answer that? The Short answer, no.

  15. ahhh...No!

  16. no

    simple said than done.  

  17. right, not anymore - she used to be until the bad decisions she made

  18. No she is not and I do not need a reason,  I can read and I have an open mind.

  19. No, she's not. Miley should know she has a bigger responsibility than most teenage girls because she's supposed to serve as a role model for kids and, for someone in her position, she's made too many mistakes in too short a time. The revealing pictures and the video she made making fun of her fellow Disney stars show her immaturity. Kids can be easily influenced and there are seriously kids who want to take pictures like her now. If she can't handle her responsibility to serve as a good role model, then get the h**l out of the spotlight.

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