
Is Miller an okay name for a boy?

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Okay - My grandfather's sons all have girls... no boys to carry on the family name... so would Miller for a first name sound odd?

Then there comes the middle name challenge... I want something interesting that fits....any ideas?




  1. People have been giving children maiden names for given names for at least 250 years. I have a (probable) ancestor named Palmer Cady, for instance, born about 1748. His mother was a Palmer. My friend has one named Marmaduke Loving Alcorn; Marmaduke's mother's maiden name was Loving. He has been dead for years. I never met him, nor have I read any descriptions. I hope he got his growth early, or his life in grade school would have been tough.

    I would argue for using it as a middle name,

    John Miller Smith,

    because anyone seeing

    "Smith, Miller"


    "Miller Smith"

    is going to wonder if someone either put in a comma when he shouldn't have, or didn't put in a comma when he should have. I'd be willing to bet 10:1 that your Miller Smith would get recorded as Smith Miller at least once in what I hope will be a long, happy life free of minor annoyances.

    If your grandfather was named something reasonable, like "James" - not Ezekial or Marmaduke or Llewellen - give the child both names; "James Miller Smith". It would please Grandpa no end.

  2. Miller would sound like an odd first name, but so what, if you look around today there are alot of people with odd names.  Do whatever you want to do.  Miller Blake sounds like a good first and last name.

  3. I think it's great as a first name. Unusual but not freakish. Plus, it's a lovely way to honor your family and heritage.

  4. i would say middle name. i don't really like it as a first name, but it wouldn't be like totally odd. i've heard a lot stranger lol.

  5. Yes, Sienna Miller.

  6. My son and his wife named my grandson Tanner, always thought it sounded like a job description, a little like "Chandler' on the show friends.  I would put it as a middle name mainly because of it's link to a beer company.

  7. I like it a lot!

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