
Is Miranda Cosgrove part Filipino?

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  1.  Miranda Cosgrove was half Filipino and half Japanese and half Chinese 

  2.  yes

  3.  i think she is half filipino just like meeee although im half spanish.....

  4.  She Is A Filipino...


  5. im filipino.....most of the people around the world like filipina cuz there hotter then any other race

  6. she is a jappense girl and phillipino from her granmother


  8. most websites says she is becaus im a fiipino and i think she is cute and i wish i could make love to her

    my email ^_^

  9. Most websites say Miranda is Filipina. Well I don't know.

    are racist jerks!
    what's wrong with liking a filipina
    and what are talking about Japanese people are very beautiful! (Like all aisans)

  10. she does NOT look mexican at all.... she looks half white half asian cause of her features and her eyes, and her pale light skin

  11. no miranda is a half filipino it comes in the looks of her and her eyes she just lived in america i know it very well because were cousins

  12. ni miranda is a half filipino it comes in the looks of her

  13. sh IS NOT Japnese she too pretty fer bein japanese

  14. NO SHE'S NOT!!!!! She's a Japanese girl. JUST LIKE ME!!!!

  15. eww why everytime i like a celeb she has too be filipina??

  16. i think yes,,because i read an article that she has a little bit
    of an asian blood and she say that she think it could be Philippines that she belong to,,,

  17. HI

  18. Some say shes half/white/japanese

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