
Is Mitosis a good name for a baby boy

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it is the name of the process in which a cell divides into two new daughter cells. I learned it in my science book




  1. no. don't name a child that! surely you can find a better name  

  2. No. When they learn that in science hes going to be made fun of constantly. and i dont like it very much

  3. Negative!

  4. No.

  5. Nah


  6. Sounds weird, sorry

  7. Sound like a disease also.

  8. No.... It means this:

    Mitosis and cytokinesis together define the mitotic (M) phase of the cell cycle - the division of the mother cell into two daughter cells, genetically identical to each other and to their parent cell.

    Why would you want to name your son that?

  9. Um, no.  

    Any name that would cause ridicule to the child is not a good name.  

  10. Only as a middle name.

    The first name would have to be Zygote.

    Zygote Mitosis.  Nice ring to it.

  11. No. Seriously, no.

  12. Are u serious?


  13. No. Any way... why would you want a boys name describing a process of DAUGHTER cells? And he'd get called Mitty...

  14. I love weird names so I think it is a very cool name.

  15. not every word you read wil; sound like a good name or even like it should be a name.  mitosis is a name of a process not a child

  16. h**l ya!

  17. I like it.  It's very "natural".  If I have a girl i'm going to name her Soil and if it's a boy I'm going to name him Tree.  Noxema and Hepititis are also close candidates.  

  18. mi·to·ses: Biology

    1. The process in cell division by which the nucleus divides, typically consisting of four stages, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, and normally resulting in two new nuclei, each of which contains a complete copy of the parental chromosomes. Also called karyokinesis.

    2. The entire process of cell division including division of the nucleus and the cytoplasm.

    Don't think this makes a nice childs name.

  19. keep looking through your science book maybe you'll find a better name

  20. yeah i learned about that at college it s the WHOLE dividing process but i wouldnt if i was you as theres many diseases with the word mitosis in ite.g. mixamitosis which wild rabbits get it make them itch so eventully they are blinded and bald,some german man made it centuries ago to stop them eating his crops

  21. no.... that is the name for when a cell divides into two to re-produce...... dont name him that!

  22. no...unless you plan on people picking on your child in school...eeeks i wouldnt want to be named after a cell

  23. Well it's not "my cup of tea" for a name... but it's your kid....  

  24. For Christ Sake, didn't you read what I said about the Boys Name? Your kid will be constantly picked on , called worse names, and won't have any friends.That name sounds like a disease more than anything.  8/1

    Clear your brain of some of that p**p

  25. I don't like it , sorry.

  26. p**p Master, he would get made fun of so bad when he gets in school.  Please do not do that to him.

  27. Are you the same guy who liked the name Mitochondria for a baby girl?

  28. haha. thanks for the points.

    no. its not.


  29. h**l no! how would you like to be the boy in the biology class who is named after cell division!  

  30. No.  

  31. I believe I heard this in biology class so I really think noooo

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