
Is Modern Society leading people into isolation?

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Is Modern Society leading people into isolation?




  1. YES

  2. Yes I somewhat agree. This world use to be full of hunters and gathers who worked with one another in their community to better the community as a whole. Society now is focused only on self, what I can do for myself instead of thinking what I can do for my community which leads people into isolating behavior. Even our technology promotes the theory of isolation. For one the computer, many spend hours on it and away from actual contact with people, engaging in a verbal face to face conversation. Television, before the invention of TV we would use interactions to be our form of entertainment which incorporated story telling and really talking to one another. The telephone allows us to never have to come in contact with someone to communicate with one another etc. Technology is not the only issue responsible for this, also social norms that have changed are promoting less contact with one another and allowing more space between you and another individual. As years pass by this will become more of an issue that many will not want to focus on too much because we have lived in this manner for so many years. *sigh*

  3. Self serve check outs are

  4. don't worry it's a rubberband effect.

    At some point there will be a catastophic event which will force people to rely on those who they don't even know.

  5. For some, yes, others, no.

    However witjh the advent of cars, telephones, computers, and such, people do not have to physically interact with each other as much as they used too, and when they do, it is usually casual in nature.

    People work together, live next door to each other, meet each other comming & going and yet, much of the time, we all remain strangers for all intensive purpouses, stopping only for polite coversation now and then.

    Well this does not hold true for eveyone everywhere, it pretty well sums up the modern day world, and I will give you a little experiment to see if I am correct.

    One day, when you have nothing better to do, with each erson you see, greet them in a happy, cherry mood and watch how they react to you in return, you might be surprised.

  6. It is for some, but there are solutions to that problem.

    I like Durkheim's perspective on modernity best. He said that in rural societies, there is a shared culture in which everyone knows everyone and face-to-face interactions are dominant. He called it "mechanical solidarity." But "organic solidarity" (modern society) involves complex webs of interdependent relationships in which people cultivate individual differences for the collective good. The elements of society work together in functional relationships.

    He wasn't nostalgic at all for mechanical solidarity, but he did acknowledge problems with organic solidarity: anomie and over-individualization. However, isolation and anomie can be prevented by joining organizations such as social clubs, trade unions, or the military.

  7. Well I am sitting in splendid isolation at my computer!

  8. I somewhat agree with Marx's theory on alienation. In the organic society today that we live in, our division of labour is too specialized and creates too many hierarchies, and as Marx's concept states, people are becoming alienated and oppressed because of the classes that exist within society. So yes, I believe that people are feeling more isolated from society and alienated from thier purpose of life, we are too caught up in trying to meet societies expectations.

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