
Is Mohammad insane??

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"If someone of you rouses from sleep and performs the ablution, he should wash his nose by putting water in it and then blowing it out thrice, because Satan has stayed in the upper part of his nose all the night.

Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54 Number 516

Was Mohammad superstitious? Or did he have Obssessive Compulsive Disorder?




  1. no he was not. u r. U shouldn't say stuff about other people's religions. it is not right.

  2. i don't know about the details u wrote but i know that he isn't insane...ok?

    and can u try to be respectful?

  3. I think he was

  4. Agree

    The Terror menace created by his followers in world prove this beyond doubts

  5. my God, Allah will kill your God

    my God is peaceful

  6. Why three times?  Mohamed was not of God.  Only the Hebrews were entrusted with the words of God. Romans 3:1,2

  7. are you retarded or just plain dumb that you have to go to other people (non-muslims) and get answers to question about Islam....hmm here's a thought maybe you should read the quran and see why it's really not that hard.....oh wait you just want people to agree with you right you dont want real knowledgeable can read Tafsir...see Tafsir is this book that breaks the quran down to people like you who might not understand by just reading the quran...go head give it a can do it

  8. no, it is simple hygenic pratice.  when you are asleep, dust particles may find its way into nose, it may cause allergic and other health problems so to escape such problems.  one should wash his/her face including nose thoughly.

  9. b/c the Bible is so much less superstitious.  

  10. Was Mohammad superstitious?

    "As a matter of fact, Mohammad reverenced knowledge. His own words are eloquent testimony to that.Here are some of his sayings :

    * Seek knowledge, even if need be,on the borders of China,

    * One word of knowledge is of more value than the reciting of hundred prayers,

    * The ink of sages is more precious than the BLOOD OF MARTYRS,

    * One word of wisdom learned and communicated to a muslim brother, outweighs the prayers of a whole year,

    * Wise men are successors of the prophet,

    * God has created nothing better than reason. "

    --The New World of Islam, by LOTHROP STODDARD,A.M, PhD[HARV],Chapman And Hall Ltd-1922, London, pg-28]

    "Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images; the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Muhammad. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he?"

    [Lamartine, HISTOIRE DE LA TURQUIE, Paris, 1854, Vol. II, pp. 276-277.]

    "FOUR YEARS AFTER THE DEATH OF JUSTINIAN, A.D. 569, WAS BORN AT MAKKAH, IN ARABIA THE MAN WHO, OF ALL MEN EXERCISED THE GREATEST INFLUENCE UPON THE HUMAN RACE ... MOHAMMED ..." John William Draper, M.D., LLD., in his "A History of the lntellectual Development of Europe",- London 1875.

    You are no where near to the observations made by the greatest of philosophers, critics & historians.

    Kindly do some research from authentic world history.

  11. that really hurt me when you said that. i am muslim. and that really was rude of you to say that. that would be like people saying bad things about the profit of other religions. that would be like some muslim saying bad things about jesus. how would you feel. just tell me. seriously. that was really rude.  

  12. Yeah, he was an odd duck that one..

  13. let me tell u MOHAMMAD(May peace be upon him) is the greatest of greats and were the only complete person on entire earth. Talking abt  performing abulation it is for our betterment both spiritually and well as scientifically. not a single thing told by our beloved prophet was useless. it has great value. u can also go through books u will also find scientific background for it and u will be surprised and secondly u didn't hv anyright to tell any wrong to any religion

  14. As opposed to the Bible? Which makes just SO much sense.

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