
Is Monster energy drink considered a soda?

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I have quit drinking soda and very proud to say this will be my 4th week sodaless . but today on my way to get a delightful breakfast burrito from Jack in the Box I stopped by the good ol 7-11 and purchased a Monster... is that considered a soda or did i fall off the wagon :(




  1. No. Moster energy drink is considered an energy drink, believe it or not. It is a seperate category from sodas.

  2. Verve energy drink is much better for you than those other stuff

  3. I think it is worse than soda. Though they are yummy.

  4. no, energy drink

  5. If it has sugar,caffeine and fizz then it is a soda.

  6. Dewi you dont want none of dis monster drink it makes you feel good.. and it is still bad for you

  7. u fell off the wagon hard!!

  8. I dont think its a soda

  9. Technically, no, Monster Energy drink is just that, an energy drink.

    Butttttttt, energy drinks are often as bad for you (or worse) as soda drinks because they have high levels of sugars, coloring and dye, caffeine, and other bad stuff. I assume Monster is also carbonated.

    I'll leave it to you to make that call :-p

    Congrats on the soda-lessness, I stay away from em unless I'm drinking them as mixers in my favorite drinks.

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