
Is Mother Earth Bleeding?

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Actually I kind of know the answer from the scientist or Geologist already, but I don't believe them because they only live 70 years.

I think Mother Eath need four elements to survive like animals too, earth, water, wind and fire. Since human is digging or poking her to get the juice (blood=oil) that make the fire out of her every day. Some day those juice are gone don't you think her hot core will be cool down? I knew you will say we got the oil from dead animals million of years ago, but how do you know mother earth won't need that too? I think we are making mother earth dizzy right now because we take red blood out of her. Pretty soon the equator will become North Pole if we keep make mother earth dizzy.




  1. yes Mother Earth is bleeding,but the North Pole

    won't be in Equator more like in Mongolia


  2. You seriously need to take an Earth Science class. You obviously have no idea how the Earth works nor does the person you spoke to.

  3. I believe animals also need some form of nutrition, and fire generally has a harmful effect on animals.

  4. There are a few parts to my answer.

    1) Humans are mining/extracting petroleum only on the outer crust of the earth, and only a few kilometers down. The center of the earth is well over 6000 kilometers even from the Mariana Trench  or Death Valley. If we're bleeding her, its like a paper cut.

    2) Magnetic Orientation. While the poles do tend to wander, and Mother Earth is tilted, the magnetic field is believed to be generated by the opposing motions of the inner and outer cores of the earth. Every so often the magnetic field switches, and north becomes south, south becomes north. How long this takes is unknown, but ocean floor records indicate it happens on the scale of a few million years.

    In order for humans to mess up Mother Earth's magnetic field, we'd have to have the ability to drill into at least the outer core and extract unseemly amounts of material in order to mess up the circulation pattern of the outer core. this would require materials that could withstand immense temperatures and pressures, and a tunnel and pumping system that could bring this outer core material up. Problem with this scenario is that we can't even mine oil only a couple of kms under us to the surface efficiently. And oil is worth money, the stuff in the outer core (infertile mantle) is not. Human activity is not going to muss up the Magnetic polarity of the Earth.

    3) Mother earth has been around for a few billion years. Humans? About a million. Geologic history has pointed to a series of climate changes, structural changes, and mass extinctions. Mother Earth has been around for all of them, able to support life in some form for the past 4.5 billion years. But most forms of life don't seem to have endured a billion years. Mother earth will be just fine. She might get mad and kill humanity for our carbon dioxide emissions, our strip mining, our deposition of trash, our abuse of groundwater, or our over farming practices, but I'd say she has at least another few billion years left, which likely more than our species has ahead of us.

    Your passion for our environment is great and important if we want to make a change now. However, a good understanding of physical sciences might make the fight of a better world easier to accomplish. Best Wishes!

  5. Oil is in the crust not the core and is not responceble for the heat of Earths core. Gravity is. New oil is alwys being made and yes we are using it faster thanit is made, but we haven't scratched the surface yet. Even a very deep oil well at 1500 feet is no where near getting through the crust that is miles deep at it's thinnest points.  God gave us the Earth and it's resources to use. So we do. Yes we should try and be respectful of what we have. But it is here for us to use. Yes the core is cooling. Has been for a million years and more. At one time earth was so hot that the rocks were liquid and all the water was steam. I'm glad it cooled down.  As a planet all Earth needs is the sun to revolve around, Mass to hold it's elements togeather, and us to enjoy it. Well it will get along fine even when man is gone.  It won't last forever. Some day the Sun will start growing and will Super Nova, or We will collide with another Galexy, or some asteroid will hit us and it could be big enough to split us to pieces. But I don't worry about that stuff.  Oh and when the Sun does start warming up, the north pole will be more like an ocean or sea. No land up there.

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