
Is Mr.Joshua Gabriel a canadian immigration officer?Is he really works in canadian immigration?

by  |  earlier

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Someone send me a job opportunity in canada.And she gave this persons name as a canadian immigration officer.I want to know if this person is really an immigration officer.Because he wants me to contact with this guy.




  1. Did you apply for a job?

    This sounds like a phishing scam. Delete the e-mail. Immigraton does not just offer you a job and tell you to call some guy. Theres one big test you must write and pass 2 or 3 interviews (this is before you even get an offer). Once you get one you then have 6 weeks of intensive physcial training and an additional 4 weeks of extra educational training and you have to have passed all that to be able to keep the offer.

  2. sounds like  Scam.Imigration  doesnt do that Dont reply

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