
Is Mulhearn an Italian surname?

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As in "Joseph Mulhearn".




  1. I was going to say that was the least Italian name I have heard.

    However... do not write Joseph off as being Irish, and not Italian. For example... Joe has 4 grandparents (8 gr grandparents).  Not impossible at all that 7 of those 8, could be Italian, and the paternal gr grandfather was who carried the name and married an Italian wife.

    Names and heritage are not always the same thing.  

  2. It's Irish.

  3. Bejabbers ! Not on your Nellie Duff .

  4. unlikely. Sounds Irish.

  5. Mulhearn

    Irish (midland and Ulster): Anglicized form of Gaelic Ó Maoilchiaráin ‘descendant of Maoilchiaráin’, a personal name meaning ‘devotee of (Saint) Ciarán’ (a personal name from a diminutive of ciar ‘black’).  

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