
Is Music dying out? We how have spoken word on blogs, spoken word on discs, spoken radio,and loud music is dy?

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ing fast. Have you discovered the joy of spoken recordings to replace that loud noise they called music which did us no good but to harm our hearing? Farewell to noise music and the faster the better!

There's lot of spoken word to download from the internet, and you learn lots instead of just going deaf off bad music. Aren't we lucky to be entering this new age?




  1. By spoken word, I hope you aren't referring to rap music. That c**p is just a bunch of racial, sexist noise and should be banned from society.

  2. So long as movies are made, soundtracks will have to be made. To find musicians qualified, there will have to be at least a decent interest in classical music... so while many forms of music are no longer as common, they are far from dying out.

  3. Certain genres of music are definitely dying out. Everything is so shallow these days...

  4. Yea but you know...I just can't dance to the spoken word, sorry.

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