
Is My Financial Aid Appeal Letter Good Enough to Help My Obviously Bleak Situation?

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Dear Financial Aid Department,

In the past, I blamed my lack of performance in higher education on rough circumstances. However, I believe I see the truth of the matter as if I was blind before. The reason I had a problem in academic performance were not the rough circumstances themselves, but rather how I reacted to them. They changed me into a lazy individual with no motivation to better myself. For example, in the last year, I would find myself laying in bed missing classes while in perfectly good health. My apartment was a mess, and I always found myself jobless for extended periods of time.

I had a problem and luckily I had friends that helped drag me out of my rut. I'm on a whole new path. I actually make sure I get up and get things done now. For example, I set up a cleaning schedule for the apartment that is rigorously followed, and the apartment looks great. I did lose my job, but it was seasonal employment. I instantaneously went out and applied at over 20 different locations, and I am currently waiting to attend my second interview for Home Depot on Friday.

When it comes to school I intend to take my newfound improved attitude and apply it there. This semester, I plan to take two math courses, a geography course, and an ethics course. I intend to pass those with flying colors, because it is something that I want to do. Following that I plan to go on a strict schedule with a maximum of 14 credit hours per semester and continue to apply myself to the best of my ability until graduation day and beyond.

I'm at school to better myself, and I understand that opportunities are limited. I messed up in the past, but I'm ready to take on the future. Therefore, I ask for your utmost regard when it comes to reinstating my financial aid. Thank you for your time and consideration.




  1. "When it comes to school I intend to take my newfound improved attitude and apply it there. This semester, I plan to take two math courses, a geography course, and an ethics course. I intend to pass those with flying colors, because it is something that I want to do. Following that I plan to go on a strict schedule with a maximum of 14 credit hours per semester and continue to apply myself to the best of my ability until graduation day and beyond."

    I would NOT take two math courses in one semester ever... also DON'T use the sentence "I intend to pass with flying colors." You can intend to do a lot and end up not following though for one reason or another. It also sound arrogant.

    "I did lose my job, but it was seasonal employment." sounds like you are making an excuse I would leave this out as well.

    You are going to need to actually state what your problem was and include supporting documentation. (ie. medical bills, bills for therapy, maybe a statement from the friend that helped realize you had a problem ect.)

  2. They could care less about your detailed plan to keep your apartment clean.  They want a detailed plan about how you are going to keep your grades up and the support system you have in place to do it.

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