My best friend moved away a few months ago. We were all really sad but she and I kept in touch by texting, calling, email, etc. School has started for me and I got to see my friends. They didn't act sad at all, they still seemed their goofy crazy selves. But friend is driving me crazy. She text messages me ALL DAY LONG even when I'm in class saying how much she misses us and all that. I know she's sad, but I keep trying to tell her it's ok and that she WILL make new friends but she doesn't listen. I'm really tired of her calling me all day long and just bawling over the phone. She even sends me videos of her crying and all c**p. I miss her and I wish she was here, but my god...I don't cry everytime I hear her voice. Everytime I tell her to stop crying because it's not the end of the world, she gets totally pissed and starts calling me rude. So when I don't text her back for like a minute or two, she all of a sudden sends me like 5 text messages saying how miserable she is. It's getting very annoying. I'm not a bad friend, believe me. I just think my friend is being a bit to much of a drama queen...