
Is My Friend Lying to me?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my friend planned to go to the cinema in a few days.

She says she would rather go bowling.

And today, she says that her mum wont let her go, and i say why, and she says her mum wont let her she dont know why. And then she said we can go bowling. Well if her mum will let her go bowling, why cant she go to the cinema?

She is lying to me just because she doesnt want to go to the cinema. I dont want to go bowling, but id tell her. Shes just making up excuses! What can i say??? Why is she lying to me??





  1. Just tell her your mom won't let you go bowling but she will let you go to the cinema.

  2. Ask her mom if its true and If it isnt true then tell her that I dont want to go bowling and just invite a boy to the cinema

  3. tell her "why don't you want to go to the cinema?" try to confront her on this. she is lying to you. try to get an answer from her. try to get something from her that isn't "my mom wont let me" or any other exuceses from her.  

  4. basically... she carnt be that much of a mate .... but go bowling with her then she will go the pics with you another day!

    but if she always gets what she wants... then dont go with her... let her see what it feels like x

  5. LOL u should burst her bubble and ask her cuz that really dont make sense... how can she not have permission to go to the movies but can go bowling?? thats retarted!! ask her...i would!!

  6. I think she has changed her mind about the cinema. Ask her outright and tell her you would rather that she was honest. Then you know where you stand.

  7. She probably doesnt want to fall out with you .Why dont you suggest that you do something  together that you both like , it will save any arguments.

  8. Well if your friend's mom won't let your friend watch movies that are rated PG-13 or R, that may be the problem.

  9. Well i would keep a diary of every excuse that she has ever said.if it comes to over 10 then tell her straight that you want to do something else before she takes advantage to you.

  10. Ask her in a casual manner why she's doing that.

  11. she probably just doesnt want an argument about going to the pictures when she clearly doesn't want to go.  let it go - you cant force her to the cinema!  maybe she's afraid of the dark - it could be any number of reasons.

  12. Shes lying to you because she doesn't want to go, you should tell her to go to h**l. I'm just kidding lol. No, you should tell her that you'll wait until her mum says that she can go. She won't wait forever then.

  13. call her house and invite her and her mom to your house. when she arrives play with your friend a bit then say wait here i need to go to the toilet or make an excuse to do something then were your mom and her mom is ask her mom can (her name..) go to the cinema with me to see ( movie name) toghether alone. and if her mom says yes then say oh thank you.

    run back upstairs tell your friend what her mom sayed and say i know you were lying to me then thats how it will go hope this helps  

  14. she's lying cuz she doesn't want to go. confront her. tell her if she didn't wanna go she shouldn't have made the plans with you a few days ago. then tell her you're not retarded and you know her mom didn't say that. then go to the movies with someone else

  15. Well the cinemas is more expensive than bowling. x

    Maybe shes doing it becuase she knows you will stick up for your self and by saying that well.. its saying yuu dont have a choice if you get me :S X

  16. She is lying to you. She is lying because she simply would prefer to go bowling than cinema and thinks this is the easiest way. If i were you, I would do something else. Don't do cinema OR bowling. Pop along to the shops, go to the park, go to the beach. Invite her round yours, or go round hers. There are plenty of things to do! Why do something that somebody doesn't want to do. As for letting her know you realize she's lying. Call her up, and in a NICE way say 'Hey, I know you don't want to go to the cinema. And that's fine. So let's do something that we both want to do, because I don't particularly want to go bowling.' Find another friend to go to the cinema with. It's not worth forcing this friend to do.  

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