I board my horse @ a friends ranch. Just recently we started noticing something was wrong w/one of his horses. He had been given a 12yr mare from his boss b/c his boss couldn't afford her anymore. When she breathes, it sounds like she has asthma or something. It sounds like she has a hard time breathing and when she breathes in she makes this deep weezing sound. I refuse to trailride her b/c I'm convinced it's not good for her lungs, but they all say she's fine and that a vet had checked her out and found nothing wrong, but my gut instinct keeps me from riding her.
Just recently (the same time he had her hooves trimmed) she started limpong. Now she walks as if she can't bare wait on her front hooves & today she started stiffening her hind quarters as well. They thought it was justthe trim being too short, but now their saying that she's founder. What are the symptoms and can u treat it? I figured he'd have to med her up to ease the pain. He's considering putting her down?