
Is My Kanji Symbol Correct??

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About 3 months ago I got a kanji tattoo with my dad. I just want to make sure that the symbols are correct. I searched a million different websites before I got the tattoo and all of my results were the same. But now I am paranoid that it means something different! The tattoo means father and daughter...well thats what I hope it If you could help me I'd really appreciate it. Just show me what the symbols for 'Father and Daughter' would be....Thanks!!!!




  1. left character means father

    right character means woman but daughter.

  2. for father and daughter it should be


    im japanese i know

    except it matters if you got the symbol in between the first and the second which means and, but thats not a kanji but a hiragana

    the first and the third symbol is the kanji

    and it literally means father and daughter

    the one the first person gave you, for daughter stands for girl and not daughter

    but it matters, it might stand for daughter in the kanji for china, but for japan its 娘 for daughter

  3. Technically, checking beforehand would have been better.

    But, 20/20 hindsight, I suppose...

    父と女 (literally, "father and daughter")

    If those aren't the symbols you have, what you can do is draw them using the handwriting recognition on this site:

    It's a Chinese site, but kanji borrow a lot from Chinese, so just use it to get the typed version of that character, and then copy/paste it into this dictionary to see what it means:

    Alternatively, take a picture of your tattoo and post it on Yahoo! Answers. We'll help you translate it!

    Edit: I see the pic, and yep, you're good! :)

  4. 父と女

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