
Is My Reputation Ruined?

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I think my reputation is ruined, here's the story:

In Kindergarten, I had a crush on my cousin, his friend, and 2 guys in the class. In the classroom, I always acted like I was better than everyone else. I had over-confidence. Also, I always tattletaled. ALL the time. I always hung with the 2 dorks, the one with the really bad rep.

In 1st grade, It was the same things. but it was worse. I was the teachers pet. I also cried a lot. I said I wanted to kiss boys on the lip. (6 year old!). My mom also bought me wipes, so I brought them to school and used them like I was sooo cool cuz I have wipes. (I was really weird back then). Still the same annoying friends. (But I didn't know that at the time).

In 2nd grade, I gained sooooooo much wait. I didn't notice. I went to the doctors in the beginning of the year, and then I came back telling everyone how much I weighed. (OMG!) I also developed a new crush. I still had dorky annoying friends. My even more stuck-up friend ask my crush, "who is prettier", he said the other girl is. He started making fun and critisizing me.

In 3rd grade, I was even fatter. I still acted stuck up and like I was cool. When I sang, I screamed and I embarressed myself. I sung badly. I mean, I screamed horribly.

No one really liked me, ecept for dorks.

In 4 grade, I relized that I wasnt the coolest, and that I have a bad voice, and that I was stuck in STUCKUP CHILD WORLD forever.

So, I kinda kept quiet. My bully all of a sudden wanted to be BFFs with me.

I was also the teacher's pet. I just didnt talk as much as other kids and when i did, the teacher never caught me. I was getting soo many notes constantly saying TP! TEACHERS PET! I was soo embarressed. Even my Bff turned on me. The only friend I had was a kid in the other class. I also laughed to much and peopple made fun of me.

In 5th grade, I was still quiet but I didnt bring in my hw a lot so I got in lots of trouble.

6, it was a little better.

But I am a dork. I am late ALL THE TIME for school. I have glasses. I have braces. I have allergies so I talk funny. My eyes are always itchy. I take lots of wipes & sanitizer with me to school cuz I have OCD, germophobia, and mysophobia. I also get in trouble for washing my hands too often and too long.

Is my reputation ruined?

If so, how can I fix it??




  1. Sounds like you are having a rough patch. Like, majorly rough. But there are two ways of looking at this- how sucky things have been? or how much better things can get? So many of your problems can be fixed pretty easily, or will naturally correct themselves in time. Why are you always late? There are probably things you can do to get to school earlier, like deciding the night before what you'll wear. When you're a little older, get contacts. The braces will come off eventually. And just remember, middle school was only easy for horrible hot girls that everyone ends up hating. I know it's hard now, but all great geniuses and artists had horrible childhoods. Just hang in there and when you grow up you will have a great perspective on life, and a much more interesting personality than the people with easy, popular school years.

  2. It's all good...

    When you turn 18...

    You'll be a total hottie, and all the boys will want you bad...

    Be patient...

  3. well...

    to say it nicely ur rep could be better

    just try to be nicer to people and they will slowly like you.

    every year is like a new phase. start over

  4. sounds to me like you need to get some self confidence

    i know its cheesy but its true people will love you if you love yourself

  5. WOW...I'm not sure where to start. So I'm not going to. All I will say is get help for the OCD, thats not a reputation thing, thats a psychological problem that will only get worse without treatment by a professional. It is definitely something that will get in the way of finding some friends that feel comfortable being around you. If you've already been diagnosed with those conditions, I just hope you continue treatment and get over it. I know easier said than done, but it can be done with a lot of willpower and desire on your end.

  6. Well, it's not going to be overnight.

    First off, your parents should be taking you to a therapist for your behavioral problems (OCD, germophobia, mysophobia). It sounds like all they are doing is encouraging you by giving you wipes & sanitizer. Having a therapist will also help you with your self esteem since you'll have a place to vent. If they don't, talk to the school therapist. Ask your teacher to go talk to him/her one day during lunch.

    Second, relax. You need to learn how to be yourself in public & stop worrying about what will make other people happy. Trying constantly to do what others think is cool will only make you more miserable & probably end up backfiring. I'm not saying that you shouldn't try to take an interest in what others like, but I'm saying that you shouldn't try to turn those interests into your own (unless you really like those interests).

    Thirdly, even though you can still change some, there will always be people who don't like you. It took me years to realise that since I was always trying to make friends with everyone. Just know that it's not a contest. As long as you are happy with yourself, nothing else matters.

    Fourthly, if you are unhappy about weight gain, try talking to your parents about it. Ask them to put you on a diet. Try doing a little bit more exercise such as walking around the block or going up & down the stairs (if your allergies are too bad).

    I also want to let you know something about your dirt & germ phobias. The wipes & sanitizers are not good for you. They are actually doing you more HARM than good! By using them you are lowering your immune system, making it more likely for you to get sick or have allergies! If you were to stop using them you would more than likely get more healthy from the experience. You would go through a period where you caught colds & such, but that is your immune system trying to get back to normal! It's very unhealthy to constantly use wipes & sanitizers & shame on your parents for encouraging & starting you on this to begin with!

    Last of all, have confidence! Confidence can make anyone more attractive to people in general!

  7. everyone has an awkward phase....yours has just lasted you'll get over it. Hang in there.

  8. You sound a bit like me! I was home schooled till 5th grade though. But I was never popular and I'm still not. I don't want to be like those retarded popular girls. Believe me, when u hit high school, things will get better!!! Annoying rude classmates mature, at least the girls do. I had braces in 5th and 6th grade and was a drama queen everyone was annoyed with, I just didn't realize how dramatic I was until ppl told me in 7th grade. I felt like everyone hated me but they said they didn't. In 7th grade, Actually, the popular girls kinda wanted me to be in their group but never invited me anywhere and told me i was too dramatic. that was/is true though, that I'm dramatic(I get it from my mom!). they were too petty anyways so, I went back to the not-so-popular group, my true friends. I also kinda have OCD and germaphobia as u call it. My friends make fun of me b/c i like to be clean but I don't care. it's better than being sick all the time! the OCD, u'll sorta grow out of, like me, u'll realize it is useless and immature but u still should be treated for it. I can sorta relate to u with the allergies in a way, I don't have allergies but I did get colds ALOT till I got my tonsles removed. but I still get sick sometimes. oh, and i was late for school like every day too! u can fix that though. just realize u can survive on 7 hours of sleep (not every night though), it took me till 9th grade to figure that one out!  don't let it take u that long too! I'm also made fun of for doing my work and getting A's and B's. I actually am kind of friends with my teachers too, they were the one's I felt most comfortable talking too in 6th-9th grade. I love them alot. Ignore the other students and tell them to grow up! ask them if they have anything better to do than teese u, say u must be very interesting to them if all they do is watch what u do and pick it apart! Your reputation may seem important now but it isn't, school is a very small part of your entire life right now. Highschool, your braces should be gone, u can get contacts or cool glasses, u should have allergy meds that work by then and the OCD should get alot better. Don't obsess over this, u'll make it through, just remember that verse in the Bible, "Life is but a vapor"-Romans. I wish I knew who u where so I could be your friend and help u through this time! I'll be praying for you! Don't worry about what others think about u, "Man looks at the outward appearance but, God looks at the heart." Purify your heart first, care about what God sees in u rather than what others see in u. Jesus loves u very much and He knows you better than u know yourself. Place your focus on Him. and Find out how to by coming to Beaverton Foresquare church! Most funnest, amaizing church in the universe! I better go to bed so I won't be late tomarrow! (i always am unfortunately! XD) I'll be praying for you! xoxoxoxoxo

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