
Is My Yu-Gi-Oh deck any good?

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Is my Yu-Gi-Oh deck any good I have been thinking about entering a tournement and i need to know.

Monsters x25

Neo Spacian Air Hummingbird x1

Witch Of The Black Forest x1


Gravi-Crush Dragon x2

Command Knight x1

Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer x1

Muka Muka x1

Man-Eater Bug x1

Goblin Of Greed x1

Magna-Slash Dragon x1

Ryu Kokki x2

D.D Assailant x1

Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth x1

Caius The Shadow Monarch x1

Getsu Fuhma x1

D.D Survivor x2

Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger x1

Double Coston x1

Battle Ox x1

La Jinn The Mystical Genie Of The Lamp x1

Elemental Hero Neos Alius x1

Metal Armored Bug x1


Big Bang Shot x1

Banner Of Courage x1

Dimensional Fissure x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x2

Yami x1

Ookazi x1

Goblin Thief x1

Gryphon's Feather Duster x1

Monster Reborn x1


Sakuretsu Armor x2

Trap Hole x2

Just Deserts x1


Flower Wolf x1

Evil Hero Malicios Fiend x1

Evil Hero Dark Gaia





  1. what the **** is that?

  2. Witch of the black forest is banned, mystical space typhoon is limited and add more traps

  3. I'm not gotta make suggestions right now, but try enter a tournament, afterward, make the guy you think is really good to help you modify your deck.

    the deck is too random, what theme are you trying to build out of?

    as is: 2/10

  4. To be brutally honest with you, it's not good at all.  It's far from being good.  You basically threw a bunch of cards together to make a deck.  What makes it worse is that you threw in a bunch of crappy cards to make a deck.  I can't even begin to help you because I'm not even sure what cards you have.  It looks to me that you built this deck around the Dark Emporer structure deck.  Your best bet is to buy 2 more of the structure deck and combine the cards to make a better Dark Emporer deck and maybe incorporate some other Monarchs and make it a Monarch removal deck.  Try to keep the deck at 40 cards if you can.  If not, then don't go over 45.  That's the best I can give you.

    PS - I forgot to tell you that you also have a few banned cards in your deck.  You need to take them out.  Witch of the Black Forest needs to go and, even though it is not banned, Gryphon's Feather Duster needs to go as Harpie's Feather Duster IS banned.

  5. ha ha funny,

    they banned witch of the black forest and mystical space typhoon, Yu-Gi-Oh has changed so much.

    they have way to many cards,

    and yeah u really need to follow just one base

    like i don't follow by like starter decks, go like

    All dragons or something i prefer

    Dragon/Magician deck with a few decent cards stashed in

    considering they usually are strongest (From when Yu-Gi-Oh started to like 2005) however i barely play i use to win all the time XD change it up a bit though and try using older cards

    they are much better and rare XD

  6. Witch of the Black Forest = Banned

    Mystical Space Typhoon = Limited to 1

    hmmm....well to be honest, your deck isn't that great. Entering a tournement means you have to be at the top of your game and have a great deck. Your deck won't stand much of a chance in a tournement, so I will give you some help.


    x1 Elemental Hero Bladedge

    x2 Elemental Hero Wildheart

    x2 Cyber-Tech Alligator

    x2 Gear Golem the Moving Fortress

    x1 Great Maju Garzett

    x1 Sangan

    x1 Spirit Reaper

    x2 Slate Warrior

    x2 Submarineroid

    x2 Drillroid

    x2 Jerry Beans Man

    x1 Marshmallon


    x2 Mask of the Accursed

    x1 Mask of Dispel

    x1 Monster Reborn

    x1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    x1 Nitro Unit

    x2 Big Bang Shot

    x1 Ballista the Rampart Smashing

    x1 Recycle

    x1 Pot of Avarice

    x1 Premature Burial

    x1 Yellow Luster Shield

    x1 Swords of Revealing Light

    x1 Shrink


    x2 Sakerestu Armor

    x1 Draining Shield

    x1 Dust Tornado

    x1 Magic Cylinder

    x1 Wall of Revealing Light

    x1 Ceasefire

    x1 Solomn Wishes

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