
Is My parrot in shock?

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She got out yesterday, I found her under the neighbors shed, now she is lethargic, not being herself at all. I can get her to drink but she wont eat, chase my feet bark or anything. The neighbors have alot of cats and dogs and I am wondering if they scared her half to death. When I was looking for her I would whistle and she would whistle back, that is how I found her. But today nothing, I had to pick her up to get her out of the cage she would not step on my finger. I am very worried.




  1. I am sooo glad you found her! Most people never get their beloved bird back once they get out of the house! I assume you have already checked her for any signs of wounds. There is a possibility of an internal injury that you can't see. If she is not eating or acting more like herself by tomorrow than you should take her to an avian vet and let them do a thorough check up on her. In the mean time keep her in a warm environment and offer her any kind of treat that she normally loves to eat.I hope she is back to her old self very soon, sorry to hear that this happened to you both!

  2. First, be shure to check her for ANY kind of signs of an attack form the cats or dogs.

    She could be in shock, and if not treathed peoperly, this can lead to death.

    Let's assume tat the cats and/or dogs didn't get to her

    Be sure to keep her warm, and don't let her be too active right now.  If she won't eat, you will have to get some kind of nutrition into her, Pedialyte is great for this.  Pedialyte also has tryglicerides that your bird needs.

    Let her rest for a day.  If she is not acting any better at all, or looks like she is getting worse, get her into a Certified Avian or Exotic Animal Vet right away.  Birds will die very quickly if they are not properly treated.

    I hope this helps!

    Good luck!
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